On Sep 25, 2011, at 4:25 PM, Michael Stauber wrote:
> No, you can run this command at any time without negative impacts.

Interested, I ran the groupinstall command and received the same list of 14 
packages. When I said 'Y' to install, they all conflicted with i686 packages 
installed by the anaconda installer when I installed from the latest 5107R CD.

My server works fine, and I was only curious, but do I need to do anything? 
Here is specifics about base-apache-am that is installed...

[root@box1 ~]# yum info base-apache*
Installed Packages
Name        : base-apache-am
Arch        : i686
Version     : 1.0.2
Release     : 4BQ11.centos6
Size        : 1.6 k
Repo        : installed
>From repo   : anaconda-ScientificLinux-201108111955.i386
Summary     : Active Monitor support for base-apache-am
License     : Sun modified BSD
Description : This package contains binaries and scripts used by the Active
            : Monitor subsystem for base-apache-am.

The version/release info is the same, so I'm assuming that I'm okay currently, 
but will this goof up future updates?

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