Hi all,

My name is Emiliano Vavassori and as a fellow LibreOffice contributor
and TDF member I would like to run as candidate for the Board of Directors.

I am a senior system administrator, employed in a small company based in
Bergamo, in the North of Italy, with its core business in providing ICT
services for SMB companies. In my job, I’m mostly without any relation
to LibreOffice - we install it on some customer’s PCs, but at least for
the moment we don‘t have any migration process/anything bigger planned.

My operating system of choice is GNU/Linux since 2001 and from the same
days I advocate FOSS and openness whenever possible, both in public
events and in the business. Lately I was convinced that also open
formats should have their own share of advocating so I am trying to do
that as well. I am actually in the Board of both BgLUG (Bergamo Linux
Users Group) and LibreItalia (Italian local “chapter” of TDF), but I
am/was involved in a lot of other organizations, mostly with goals in
FOSS advocacy.

In the last few years, I was involved in FOSS advocacy also inside
schools, founding and leading the LibreSchool Project
(www.libreschool.org) with a group of friends and colleagues from my
LUG. I hope my experience would be of help inside TDF Board of
Directors; I am pretty sure that I will also learn a lot.

As soon as I have been involved with TDF, I have been greeted by a full
lot of passionate and welcoming people who worked hard to make yourself
feel at home inside TDF and, sharing the same spirit, I would like to
drive the efforts on the next two years within the BoD to make
LibreOffice and The Document Liberation Project shine even more. My
goals inside the Board will be mostly facilitating community
interactions and activities, community inclusion and lowering the
initial barriers to becoming a community member and contributor, which I
can feel is still pretty high.

I would like to provide my direct help inside the TDF Board of Directors
dealing with infrastructure (as it may seem legitimate by my job),
marketing, event organization and native language projects.

I am surely available for any questions that will arise from community
members about my candidacy. Please feel free to contact me for anything
you want to ask.

Full Name: Emiliano Vavassori
Email: syntaxerror...@libreoffice.org
Affiliation: non affiliated

75 words statement:
I am sure the community should be leading the activities of The Document
Foundation; I will be available for the next term of the Board of
Directors as community’s spokesperson, to lower the entry barriers on
involvement with TDF projects and activities and to make TDF even more
inclusive and welcoming. I feel that my more than decennial experience
within other FOSS communities may be of some help to the Board.

Emiliano Vavassori

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