
2013/11/27 Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>

> I hereby nominate Volker Merschmann as a candidate for the next Board of
> Directors.
> Volker has been a volunteer of the project ever since, with many
> contributions to the website and the project's public representation. In
> all his doings, Volker has always considered the needs of localization,
> documentation and other native language groups, and has a wide view on the
> interests and requirements of the community.
> Within LibreOffice specifically, Volker has been a strong contributor to
> our wiki, which is a key tool for collaboration. He is bringing in his time
> and experience not only to help editing wiki content and bringing structure
> to it, but also with guiding new users and helping to combat spam - as
> such, he has been a great support for the community.
> Being located in Germany, Volker has also contributed to the local
> marketing project, supporting the community on events like the CeBIT in
> Hannover.
> I enjoyed working with Volker for nearly a decade now, during which I met
> him as trustworthy, honest, reliable, experienced and confident community
> member.
> For the new challenges TDF has to face, for developing it further, and for
> including the wider community and their interest in this process, I think
> he would be an ideal candidate for the next board, representing the
> community, and I hope he accepts this nomination.
Thx Florian for the nomination. It is an honour for me.

I hereby accept my nomination as a candidate.

Full Name: Volker Merschmann
Mail: merschm...@gmail.com
no corporate affiliation

Most things about my life in and with OOo/LO/TDF have been told by the
nomination above.
In my "other life" I am working as a structural engineer in Hannover,
Germany. Although this deals with the computer all day calculating all the
houses, bridges, etc., there is no relation to LO/TDF in my work.

So I would like to participate in the board as a member of the wider
non-technical community.
There are a lot of people around at the mailing-lists, wiki and so on, who
are doing the small bits at the farer edges of the project.
They do not know how to write a patch, compiling the whole thing or even
just editing a web page. But they are valuable parts of the project, should
be heard, and therefore represented.


Volker Merschmann
Member of The Document Foundation

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