
and here my ~75 word candidate statement:

56 years old, living in Duisburg, Germany, no corporate affiliation. I
worked with the community since 2002 in different areas, e.g. created
and run the extensions/templates-site, gave presentations about our
project and run boothes. I served on the BoD for the last four years and
like to run for another two years, because I believe in our way of a
stable independent meritocratic (open and transparent) organization for
our office software project.

Kind regards,

Am 24.11.2015 um 22:16 schrieb Andreas Mantke:
> Hello,
> I'll run for a Board of Directors seat at the Document Foundation again.
> I'm Andreas Mantke, now 56 years old, and I live in Duisburg,
> North-Rhine-Westfalia, Germany. I'm unaffilated. This means I don't work for 
> a company 
> doing business around LibreOffice nor do I earn any money from my work for 
> LibreOffice 
> and TDF. I'm also not in a (commercial) partnership with a company doing 
> business around LibreOffice or TDF.
> I'm employed by a social security institution in Düsseldorf and work there in 
> the office with files and German regulations.
> I'm active in the community of LibreOffice and it's antecessor already since 
> autumn 2002. 
> Currently I administrate the LibreOffice extensions and templates as well as 
> the ODFAuthors website, two sites running on the Content Management System 
> Plone. I develop two 
> new addons for the LibreOffice extensions and templates website to make it 
> even better.
> Alongside my work with the ODFAuthors and the extensions and templates 
> website I run boothes 
> together with other project members, e.g. at Open Rhein Ruhr in Oberhausen, 
> at the FOSDEM in Brussels, 
> at the Cebit in Hannover and at the didacta in Stuttgart.
> I served as a deputy member and a member for the last nearly four years and 
> worked together with the 
> other board members to grow the community of and improve the setting to make 
> it even more easy 
> to contribute to LibreOffice.
> I want to continue this work, because our way of the development of an open 
> source and free office 
> software within an own independent meritocratic organization showed already 
> success. I'm convinced 
> that we should go further in this direction, stay with openess, transparency 
> and diversity. Thus I'm
> a supporter of our transparent budget and financial reports as well as the 
> way to tender projects and the like.
> Cheers,
> Andreas

## Infrastructure Developer LibreOffice
## Freie Office-Suite für Linux, Mac, Windows
## http://LibreOffice.org
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## Meine Seite: http://www.amantke.de 

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