Hi Dan,

Thanks very much.  This does indeed seem like the solution to my problem.
I will give it a go.

On Thursday, 18 February 2016 18:23:50 UTC+2, Dan wrote:
> Ok, I think I have a solution for you...
> First, you are correct, you must use mypage*. The auth pages do not 
> recognize the mypage.* syntax. That's just in searches.
> Second, I doublechecked your code modification to the BOLTloadpage 
> function, and discovered the problem is not there at all, as it generates 
> the correct value. Rather the page load is being blocked somewhere else. 
> Most likely the BOLTpageshow function (library.php, ~1414). And possibly 
> other places as well. I didn't feel quite comfortable with this approach as 
> there may well be still more places you would have to write variations in 
> the code to get it all to work, so I didn't explore this approach much 
> further.
> Rather, I decided to try a different approach similar to the authkey 
> command, which grants temporary access to a group. So here's my setup. On 
> site.auth.view:
> docs.red*: @red
> docs.blue*: @blue
> Then in docs.invites I create a list like:
> docs.red.note1: bob,dave,mary
> docs.blue.note2: mary
> Ok, now suppose bob is in the blue group but not the red group, and mary 
> is not in either group. What we want is to temporarily add bob to the red 
> group if viewing docs.red.note1 and mary if she is viewing either of the 
> two specified pages. So what I did was add the following lines to my site 
> config.php file:
> if ($pageArray[0] == 'docs') {
> if (inlist($BOLTid, BOLTvars("docs.invites::$pageLink"))) $BOLTgroups = 
> $BOLTgroups . ",$pageArray[1]";
> }
> Basically it first checks to see if it is a docs page, and then if it is, 
> scans the docs.invites page to see if the user has a valid invitation for 
> the current page. If so, it adds the group permissions to group {p2} 
> temporarily.
> I've tried this briefly on my system and it seems to be working fine. It 
> doesn't allow for source or includes even by invited users to other 
> sections of the site because they lose that permission as soon as the go to 
> any other page. 
> On the plus side, this gives the user any other permissions of the 
> red/blue group, such as leaving comments or making uploads, or edits, or 
> whatever else you allow them to do, which is what you want I believe. On 
> the small down side, if bob has edit permissions on docs.red.note1 he 
> could include docs.red.note2 to it because he has temporary read access to 
> the red group via the invite to note1. But even this is probably a good 
> thing, because it means bob will see the docs.red.header, ..footer, ..side 
> menu, etc, when he visits ..note1--which would otherwise be blocked to him. 
> Security 
> can be pretty tricky sometimes... 
> You can use normal BoltWire functions to add and drop members to the 
> docs.invites page. And you'll need to manually create the site.auth.view 
> entries for each docs group. 
> Let me know how this works for you.
> Cheers,
> Dan
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 5:42 AM TMurNGon <tmur...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>> In order to proceed a bit more systematically, I am just trying to set up 
>> some examples with ordinary (view,write) auth applied to see that the 
>> standard setup works first.  When that all works I will try out the invite 
>> auth again.
>> Am I correct in saying that the following works in auth.view:
>> mypage*: @bluegroup
>> but that the following does *not* work:
>> mypage.*: @bluegroup
>> This is what it seems like in my testing anyway...
>> By the way:  the credentials I gave you previously for my test site still 
>> works if you want to take a look.
>> The 'notes' section (blue and red) in particular is what I am basing the 
>> test on (see member.bob as an ordinary member of blue group - which, apart 
>> from the invite to notes.red.note1, should not have access to red group 
>> notes)
>> Thanks.
>> Jan
>> On Wednesday, 17 February 2016 18:22:41 UTC+2, Dan wrote:
>>> So to clarify, what happens with the various scenarios:
>>> view permission, but not invite permission?
>>> invite permission, but not view permission?
>>> both view and invite permission?
>>> neither view or invite permission?
>>> This might help narrow down where the problem is...  Also are you using 
>>> groups and/or individual ids on your site.auth pages. Wouldn't mind seeing 
>>> your auth settings...
>>> Another solution might be to use toolmapping and create a custom 
>>> include/source function just to close that avenue of attack and go with my 
>>> initial suggested approach. Relatively easy to do. Let me know if you need 
>>> help using toolmapping....
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dan
>>> On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 4:56 AM TMurNGon <tmur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>> I've followed your suggestions above, but no luck.  I just receive a 
>>>> notice from view action saying:
>>>> "Access Blocked
>>>> This page is not available or you may not have permission to perform a 
>>>> requested action on this page."
>>>> The issue is unlikely to be with the entry in site.auth.invite because 
>>>> when I copy the line from this file into site.auth.view it works as 
>>>> expected.
>>>> It looks like it is not accessing the entry in site.auth.invite.
>>>> Initially I thought it may be because I have my site.auth files in a 
>>>> sub folder, but all other site.auth pages work and there is no success 
>>>> even 
>>>> when I move it to the pages folder. 
>>>> On Monday, 15 February 2016 22:00:31 UTC+2, Dan wrote:
>>>>> This was a good idea... 
>>>>> How exactly is it failing? Seems like it should do what you want it 
>>>>> to. My guess is something is not right in your site.auth.invite page? You 
>>>>> could also try changing it like this just to check if there's a logic 
>>>>> problem you and I are both missing:
>>>>> if (BOLTauth($page, $BOLTid, 'view') == false && BOLTauth($page, 
>>>>> $BOLTid, 'invite') == false) return;
>>>>> If you go this route, be sure to use the web hook for this function. 
>>>>> That is, copy the entire BOLTloadpage function to config.php, then change 
>>>>> the name to myBOLTloadpage and delete the first line of the function. 
>>>>> Then 
>>>>> modify the function as you want. It will be used instead of the core 
>>>>> system 
>>>>> function. The advantage of this is the next time you upgrade, your 
>>>>> changes 
>>>>> to the function will not be overwritten by the new release, and you won't 
>>>>> have to re-edit it with every upgrade.
>>>>> Don't really have time to debug this more fully, but I think you are 
>>>>> on the right track. Let me know if you can't make any progress.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Dan
>>>>> On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 2:08 PM TMurNGon <tmur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for the suggestions Dan.
>>>>>> This is probably misguided, but I thought it may be a plan to have a 
>>>>>> double check for view rights before loading the page.  In other words 
>>>>>> check 
>>>>>> for auth.view, but if that *fails* then check for auth.invites.  
>>>>>> This will allow higher up levels of rights to remain in place and only 
>>>>>> allow invites as a fallback/addition.
>>>>>> I made an attempt to alter BOLTloadpage in library.php, but my php 
>>>>>> skills are sorely lacking so I could not figure out why the following 
>>>>>> does 
>>>>>> *not* work:
>>>>>> Right at the top of the  BOLTloadpage function in library.php
>>>>>> if (function_exists('myBOLTloadpage')) return myBOLTloadpage($page, 
>>>>>> $dir, $data, $auth);
>>>>>> if ($auth) {
>>>>>> global $BOLTid;
>>>>>>                 if (BOLTauth($page, $BOLTid, 'view') == false) {
>>>>>>     if (BOLTauth($page, $BOLTid, 'invite') == false) return;
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>> The file auth.invite follows the same pattern as auth.view
>>>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>>>> On Friday, 12 February 2016 16:37:55 UTC+2, Dan wrote:
>>>>>>> How secure do you want it to be?
>>>>>>> One solution would be to use a conditional in the header that says 
>>>>>>> something like 
>>>>>>> [if ! inpage blueteam.roster {id} && ! inlist {p}:guest_read 
>>>>>>> {id}]<(forward action.blocked)>[if]
>>>>>>> You can then leaven the groups open to view for all logged in 
>>>>>>> members, but only those on the roster page or in the pages guest_read 
>>>>>>> var 
>>>>>>> will be able to actually see it. Others would be forwarded away.
>>>>>>> The reason I ask about security is a user could go to another page 
>>>>>>> they had edit permissions on and do an include to view the contents. 
>>>>>>> Because technically they have view permissions, BoltWire would supply 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> page.
>>>>>>> I don't have an immediate solution for doing what you want to do, 
>>>>>>> because as soon as you set specific permissions for a person on 
>>>>>>> site.auth.view for a specific page, it will overwrite the general view 
>>>>>>> permissions for that group of page. I suppose you could do in your 
>>>>>>> guest_read form, something like:
>>>>>>> [if ! set {site.auth.view::{p}]
>>>>>>> [command info page=site.auth.view field={p} 
>>>>>>> value={site.auth.view::{p1}.{p2}},{=newid}]
>>>>>>> [else]
>>>>>>> [command info page=site.auth.view field={p} value=+{=newid}]
>>>>>>> [if]
>>>>>>> Basically this copies over the default group settings to the 
>>>>>>> specific page setting the first time. Afterwards, it just adds new 
>>>>>>> members. 
>>>>>>> The problem is if you change the group settings you have to reset all 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> specific page settings.
>>>>>>> Maybe someone else has a better solution...
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 8:12 AM TMurNGon <tmur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>>>>>> I have an interesting requirement that I am not sure how to solve:
>>>>>>>> Say I have a number of user groups (each with their own page 
>>>>>>>> hierarchy), for example blueteam and redteam.
>>>>>>>> It is easy enough to set view and write access for each group in 
>>>>>>>> the current auth pages.
>>>>>>>> But what if, on a page by page basis, a blue team member wanted to 
>>>>>>>> grant guest viewer or guest writer privileges to a red team member 
>>>>>>>> (for 
>>>>>>>> blueteam pages)?  Keeping in mind that the red team normally have 
>>>>>>>> neither 
>>>>>>>> read nor write access to blue team pages.
>>>>>>>> I'd like the blue team member to be able to add a data field with a 
>>>>>>>> specific name (guest_read? guest_write?) containing the guest users id 
>>>>>>>> (or 
>>>>>>>> even a guest group id); resulting in the named users or groups having 
>>>>>>>> read 
>>>>>>>> (and maybe write) access to the page in question.
>>>>>>>> Another way would be to have some new auth pages (eg. 
>>>>>>>> auth.guestread or auth.guestwrite) which would function in a different 
>>>>>>>> way 
>>>>>>>> from the ordinary auth pages in that they do not completely override 
>>>>>>>> higher 
>>>>>>>> up level auths, but simply add the members or groups specified to the 
>>>>>>>> existing auths (auth.read and auth.write).  That way the additional 
>>>>>>>> folks 
>>>>>>>> can be added (and later removed) without interfering with the standard 
>>>>>>>> setup.
>>>>>>>> Not sure I have explained that sufficiently..., but I just cannot 
>>>>>>>> figure out a way to do this...
>>>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>>>> Thank lots.
>>>>>>>> Jan
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