
Flavio had asked me to send a status of the effort particularly in context of the roadmap.
There are three pending issues :

a) JMS provider.
The review comments form Matthieu Morel have been integrated and attached to the review board, there are no outstanding issues.
It is pending review, and subsequent commit to trunk if satisfactory.

b) close() not sending out buffered consume message ack's.
c) Consume interface inconsistency.

(b) and (c) have been coupled in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BOOKKEEPER-350 though the underlying issues are different.

(c) is an interface inconsistency - 'consume' call is expected to be synchronous, but the implementation is an async method which can buffer the ack for later dispatch. Additionally, there is no corresponding 'asyncConsume' - like rest of the methods in org.apache.hedwig.client.api.Subscriber

(b) is due to the buffered async consume not getting sent out to server before the close is executed on the socket to server.

(b) and (c) are not related to JMS patch, but are issues which exist in the current client codebase - they manifest as related issues since they cause test failures in JMS patch.


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