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JITSI keybaord shortcuts -

Meeting room is open now ... i won't start til 7pm or after but feel free
to congregate.

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 10:16 PM Bill Ricker <> wrote:

> Would we like to have virtual Perl Mongers?
> Our prior meeting schedule was 2nd Tuesday of the Month. This month that
> falls the day after Labor Day monday. (And as always falls on MS Windows
> Patch Day, if anyone observes.) Since we're mostly *not* going to the
> beach, is that a better date than it usually would be?
> Considerations
>    - In-person face-to-face will not be possible at MIT for the
>    foreseeable future (through end of calendar year at a minimum) and
>    alternate venues seem problematic likewise unless we dope up with bug spray
>    and sit outdoors in a circle (polygon) with 6' shortest chords, which makes
>    projecting demos hard.
>    - has been using *JITSI*, a FLOSS alternative to Zoom that is
>    a spinoff of Atlassian, upon which the 8x8 commercial freemium stack is
>    built; it works well for small groups (doesn't scale as well in
>    all-cameras-all-the-time Brady-Bunch/Hollywood Squares mode - if it hurts
>    when you do that, don't do that!). I would intend to use that. (Browser
>    Plug-in or iOS/Android app is useful but not required.)
>    - Does anyone have a topic or everyone have a mini-topic to present?
>    (Since I'm preparing the September BLU talk, i won't have anything but
>    scraps myself.
>     I do have an interesting result with Raku recently but that won't
>    take much time.)
>    - Since i'm presenting to BLU on 3d Wednesday (topic might or might
>    not be early feedback shift register all-electronic crypto hardware), i'm
>    not willing to push to 3d Tuesday (as I often would for a Monday
>    holiday otherwise).
> --
> Bill Ricker

Bill Ricker
Boston-pm-announce mailing list

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