Published on Sunday, November 23, 2003 by Reuters

Shevardnadze Quits in Georgia 'Velvet Revolution'
by Elizabeth Piper

TBILISI, Georgia - Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze
announced his resignation Sunday, bowing to opposition
protesters who stormed parliament and declared a "velvet
revolution" in the former Soviet republic.

Georgian opposition supporters wave flags as they stand on an
armored vehicle celebrating President Eduard Shevardnadze's
resignation outside his residence in Tbilisi, November 23,
2003. Shevardnadze announced that he had quit, bowing to
opposition protesters who stormed parliament declaring a
'velvet revolution' and demanding his resignation. Photo by
Gleb Garanich/Reuters
"I see that all this cannot simply go on. If I was forced
tomorrow to use my authority it would lead to a lot of
bloodshed. I have never betrayed my country and so it is better
that the president resigns," Shevardnadze said on television.

Shevardnadze's white-haired head was bowed as he walked away,
but the former Soviet foreign minister -- accused in mass
protests in the poverty-plagued country of vote-rigging -- gave
a strained smile and lifted his hand to wave goodbye.

His resignation followed talks with Russian Foreign Minister
Igor Ivanov, main opposition leader Mikhail Saakashvili and
fellow opposition activist Zurab Zhvania at the veteran
Georgian president's suburban residence in the capital Tbilisi.

Tens of thousands of opposition supporters outside parliament
exploded in rapturous celebrations when Shevardnadze gave up 11
years of power in a country closely watched by the West and
investors because of a pipeline project to take Caspian oil to
the Mediterranean Sea. Fireworks ripped into the sky.


Saakashvili told CNN the speaker of the outgoing parliament,
Nino Burdzhanadze, would take over as acting president from
Shevardnadze, 75. The constitution provides for her to remain
interim president for 45 days pending elections.

"Now it is important that...Shevardnadze and the police of
Georgia and the armed forces, as well as the acting president,
preserve stability and calm in the country," said Saakashvili.

He urged protesters to remove their barricades in Tbilisi.

Saakashvili had called on supporters to march on Shevardnadze's
residence to force him to resign after a three-week protest
campaign against alleged rigging in a November 2 parliamentary

The crowds outside parliament shouted "Victory, our victory."

Saakashvili led a parade of vehicles from Shevardnadze's
residence to chants of "We won, we won." Many people waved
red-and-white opposition flags out of car windows.

He beamed as he addressed reporters, in sharp contrast to an
exhausted Shevardnadze, who spoke slowly but clearly.

Shevardnadze had said earlier in the day he was ready to
discuss key opposition demands, including an early presidential
poll, but opponents said it was too late for talks.


His resignation occurred amid signs that some security forces
were moving over to the opposition side in Georgia, where a
bloody civil war was fought in the early 1990s and two regions
have broken away from central government rule.

Shevardnadze, who officially had 1-1/2 years left in office,
had been widely blamed for the country's grinding poverty. He
survived two assassination attempts in the 1990s.

Saturday, protesters seized the parliament building. As with
the "people power" protests that swept Eastern Europe in 1989,
the military stood aside. Shevardnadze was forced to flee.

"Shevardnadze's regime is bankrupt. His time has been
exhausted," said Saakashvili, a 35-year-old U.S.-trained lawyer
groomed by Shevardnadze.

A group of up to 200 men and women, saying they were members of
the national guard, had joined the opposition supporters before
Shevardnadze quit.

As Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's foreign minister,
Shevardnadze strode across continents, playing a key role in
negotiations with the West and Eastern European states that
ushered in the end of the Cold War and the collapse of

or the last decade he had been in charge of what had become an
impoverished, violent and unstable Caucasus mountain state with
a population of about five million.

"I know (Shevardnadze) well. He is by no means a coward and
surely understood that the time had come to take such a step to
prevent the break-up of Georgia. And on that score, I believe
he did the right thing," Gorbachev was quoted as saying by
Russia's Interfax news agency.

© Reuters Ltd 2003


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