Kudos to the Helvetian Confederation.


"marco_pert...@yahoo.it" <marco_pert...@yahoo.it>
To: worldhistor...@yahoogroups.com;
 sciencefictiongroup yahoogroups <sciencefictiongr...@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sat, March 27, 2010 
11:38:44 AM
[stirling] SWITZERLAND Forests spread in size and diversity



Mar 16, 2010 - 16:55

Forests spread in size and diversity

Swiss forests are larger and more diverse than in the 1990s, 
with protective woodlands now more stable against landslides and 
avalanches, a 
report has revealed.
The Federal Environment Office and the Institute for Forests, Snow 
and Landscape Research said on Tuesday that woodlands now cover 1.28 
hectares of Switzerland, about 600 square kilometres more than 11 years 
That new growth is about the same size as canton Glarus.

The forestry inventory report, released ahead of World Forestry 
Day on March 21, showed that new forests are growing most rapidly in the
country’s alpine regions, where half of all forests help guard against 
avalanches and landslides. 

Forests in mountainous areas now 
cover 31 per 
cent of the total surface area, up from 29.6 per cent from the last time
inventory was conducted in 1993-1995.

Nearly one third of the 
protective forests have benefited in the past 11 years from measures 
designed to 
promote forest health and development. About 16 per cent of Swiss 
forests now 
cover watersheds tapped for drinking water. 

At the same time, 
three times as much deadwood can be found in Swiss forests compared with
the report found. Storms, insect infestations and heat waves are largely
blame. Researchers added they would study the effects that climate 
change may 
have on wood stocks.

Forests with just one type of tree are also 
less common. Fifteen years ago 27 per cent of woodlands were 
monocultures. Today 
it is 23 per cent. 



http://www.swissinf o.ch/eng/ science_technolo 
gy/Forests_ spread_in_ size_and_ diversity. html?cid= 8494192



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