Russell Chapman wrote:

> >   If it were me, I'd give Ritu the benefit of the doubt.
> Conversely, if we are going to start pulling up people every time they 
> make a spelling mistake or a typing error, it's going to degenerate very 
> very quickly. I know Ritu is very proud of her heritage and all that, 
> but it was a simple error that we all make every day - maybe Jan 
> deserved the benefit of the doubt as well.

But it had *nothing* to do with pride in my heritage or any such thing!
I merely wanted to know if he *was* talking about Indians. This was the first mail I 
received in this thread [well, given that this was the second last mail I received 
from Brin-L, it is was the *only* mail I read on the subject until I checked the 
archives this morning] and I wanted to know if what I was reading was an American 
reaction to an issue which dominates the newspapers and magazines here. 

I don't pull up people for spelling mistakes or typing errors but when I am not sure 
of what a word means, I ask for a clarification. I regret that I didn't ask him 
off-list and that the manner of my asking caused him pain.
But I just wanted to know. 


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