Taking this out of Dr. Brin's inbox, he doesn't need to have it cluttered 
with my babbling about Teddy Harvia.

On Sat, 23 Aug 2008, David Brin wrote:

> 2- I got a chance to do this fabulous panel with
> much-talented artists Frank Wu and Teddy Harvia, in
> which I essentially did stand-up storytelling improv
> with images or elements shouted from the audience
> while Frank and Teddy sketched.  It got rather
> rollicking and manic, with Frank & I standing on the
> tables doing surfer moves, then leading the audience
> in chants and songs, then getting REALLY silly.  There
> must be a dozen blog entries and youTube postings
> about that one event.

One of the kindest acts toward my mother by anyone in the SF community in 
a SF community context was committed by Teddy Harvia.  I was at a cookout 
with a bunch of people, most of whom had been on the ConCom for a 
Worldcon, and Harvia showed up with the Hugo he'd just won for Best Fan 
Artist.  He showed it to a few folks, and then said, "Well, everyone here 
has seen one of these before," and I pointed out that my mother never had, 
so he brought it over and let her hold it and examine it very thoroughly.

So, my mom got to handle a Hugo award just because Teddy Harvia decided 
to bring it to the party and to let her hold it.

(I'd been in Bruce Sterling's house and seen his Hugos on display before 
then, but my mom had never been in the same room, or backyard, with one up 
until then.)

I've spent a *lot* more time hanging out with Brad Foster, but Teddy 
Harvia will always have a special place in my heart for that one.  (Brad 
Foster has won a number of "Best Fan Artist" Hugos, as well, which is 
why I mention him.)



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