On 2 Apr 2003 at 23:52, John D. Giorgis wrote:

> US to fuel their economic growth and prevent the economic collapse
> that might spell the end of the Communist Party there.   Russia,

> reconciliation with the West, not opposition. Moreover, Russia is a
> dying country of declining population and a vast, underpopulated and
> resource-rich territory right on China's border, which it has long
> suspected that the Chinese have strategic ambitions for.

> As for the rest of your proposed coalition, the Malaysian regime is
> founded upon the principle of oppressing their ethnic-Chinese majority
> in favor of their ethnic-Malay minority.   The Chinese and Malaysians
> simply hate each other, and indeed have an ongoing territorial dispute
> in the Spratly's.  In the near and mid-terms, the odds of a

To me those are telling words. Yes, China is currently reliant on 
trade. Currently has border disputes with countries which repress a 
chinese minority. And have long borders with an underpopulated 
resource-rich country.

That's precisely WHY I'm afraid they'll turn expansionist.

Dawn Falcon


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