It seems to me that there is a national partnership
between the US and Europe, with the US specializing in
being the best warriors they can be, Europeans
specializing in peackeeping, and the British bridging
the gap.   Here seems to be more evidence for that...


>From London to Iraq: Peacekeeping Lessons Learned the
Hard Way
By Glenn Frankel
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, April 4, 2003; Page A30 

LONDON, April 3 -- It was Royal Marines versus Iraqi
civilians on the soccer field in Zubair south of
Basra. The referee was a local community leader, and
the crowd of onlookers included armed British riflemen
who kept a nervous eye on the proceedings. The final
score: 9 to 3 for the Iraqis.

The game, as described in today's London Evening
Standard newspaper, was the latest example of a
military legend being forged in southern Iraq with the
help of the media and transmitted home: British
soldiers as civic-minded peacekeepers, struggling to
win the hearts and minds of Iraqi civilians and
deliver the message that the United States and the
United Kingdom have come to Iraq not as conquerors but
as liberators.

It's a legend built on national pride and years of
military training. But there's a flip side to the
portrait: While British troops are seen as sensitive
and concerned, their American counterparts are often
depicted as inflexible and wary warriors who mistreat,
humiliate and, even occasionally, slaughter civilians.

"A lot of this is stage-managed and done for public
relations," said Ellie Goldsworthy, a former major in
British military intelligence who now works for the
Royal United Services Institute, a defense research
organization. "But a lot of it is for real. British
troops are trained to come across as very forthcoming,
very friendly and open and ready to take risks in
dealing with the civilian population."

"First, we have football matches, then we have tea
parties, and then somehow our soldiers go out and meet
the local ladies," said Philip Wilkinson, a retired
British army colonel who teaches at the Center for
Defense Studies at King's College. "It's amazing how
quickly they do that. You can't go into a single
military base back in Britain and not meet wives who
have been brought back from the countries we've served

>From the beginning of the war, British soldiers in
Iraq have appeared more willing to run risks when it
comes to civilians. The first British soldier to die
from enemy fire, Sgt. Steven Roberts, 33, was shot
last week after he stepped down from his armored
vehicle in Zubair to tend to an agitated group of

Still, last Tuesday, Lt. Col. Mike Riddell-Webster of
the Black Watch regiment traded his helmet for a
tam-o'-shanter, ditched his sunglasses and took his
men to patrol the streets of Zubair on foot. It was,
reported the Daily Telegraph, "a quintessentially
British moment."

"You can't win hearts and minds from the back of an
armored vehicle," Goldsworthy said. "You've got to get
down, take off your helmet and deal with people on
their own level."

The British say the lessons they have learned come
from hard experience during the waning days of the
British Empire and in Northern Ireland. British forces
used brutal tactics to suppress rebellions in Malaya
and Kenya in the 1950s. Three decades ago, British
troops mowed down 13 unarmed demonstrators in
Londonderry on the day known as "Bloody Sunday."

British analysts contend U.S. forces have much to
learn. Some British officers disparagingly refer to
Americans as "Ninja Turtles" because they are covered
in body armor, helmets and Ray-Bans. "There's a
warrior-wimp syndrome in the U.S. Army," Wilkinson
said. "The Americans treat civil affairs [relations
with local civilians] as a specialization, and you
have specialized civil affairs battalions to do the
touchy-feely stuff. Your warriors stay as warriors and
perceive themselves as warriors.

"We don't have those kind of resources. Every single
soldier has to become an agent of the civil affairs
program. . . . We teach our young officers and
soldiers all of this touchy-feely stuff right from the

American troops have been carefully briefed on
protecting Iraqi civilians, U.S. officials say. But
often they have been surprised by the hostility they
have encountered in southern Iraq. Last Saturday, a
suicide bomber driving a taxi filled with explosives
killed four soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Division at a
checkpoint near the city of Najaf. The driver had
slowed down and waved for help, according to one
officer's account. When soldiers approached the car,
it exploded.

Since then, U.S. troops have adopted a much more wary
posture toward civilian vehicles. The British press
gave heavy coverage to Washington Post reporter
William Branigin's account of an incident Monday in
which U.S. troops fired on a van full of Iraqi
civilians at a checkpoint outside Najaf, killing 10.

British military experts contend both incidents would
be less likely at a British checkpoint. Under their
military procedure, checkpoints are manned by only one
soldier, with others covering him at a distance, to
limit the potential human toll from a car bomb. The
British also say they signpost their checkpoints in
Arabic and place physical barriers well ahead of the
stopping point to slow vehicles before they are deemed
a threat.

U.S. officials tend to treat the British viewpoint
skeptically. "They like to think of themselves as
Athens to our Rome," one official said. "The idea is
that they bring quality and character to a
rougher-hewn America. It's not quite a myth, more like
an ideal."

But some American military leaders have acknowledged
that in some areas the British have an edge. Gen.
Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, told a BBC program last Sunday that British
operations around Basra were "absolutely magnificent."

"I can assure you that U.S. forces have leaned heavily
on our British counterparts, who have a lot of
experience in this area," he said.

Britons who have served alongside American forces say
U.S. troops tend to stay in fortified bases,
surrounded by high walls of barbed wire, holding local
populations at bay. "With the United States, force
protection is all about body armor, helmets and moving
at speed in closed armored vehicles," said Garth
Whitty, a retired 25-year veteran officer who also
works at the services institute. "With us, it's more
about engaging with the local population to get them
on-side and minimize hostility and casualties."

"I love Americans -- they're wonderful to work with,"
said Goldsworthy, who served alongside U.S. forces in
Turkey and Bosnia. "But I'm afraid the American
attitude of today is like the British attitude of 120
years ago during the Empire. We thought everyone
wanted to be an Englishman and live an English life,
celebrate the queen and have cream tea. Americans seem
to believe that everyone is envious and wants to be
part of America. It's as though they haven't learned
the lessons we've learned in a very hard way."

Goldsworthy cites photographs showing American
soldiers ordering Iraqi civilians to lie face down in
the dirt while they are checked for weapons. "For
Arabs, to be spread-eagled with your face in the dust
is a hugely shameful thing," she said.

What the Iraqis want more than anything is respect,
and to feel valued and feel treated as human beings,"
she said. "What our troops show is a willingness to be
humble, to lose a football match 9 to 3. If the
Americans had played, I'm afraid they would have
wanted to win."

© 2003 The Washington Post Company

John D. Giorgis               -                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tonight I have a message for the brave and oppressed people of Iraq:
 Your enemy is not surrounding your country — your enemy is ruling your  
 country. And the day he and his regime are removed from power will be    
           the day of your liberation."  -George W. Bush 1/29/03

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