Refugees Flee  

 Rebel commander General Francois Bozize, who led a
weekend coup in the Central African Republic while
President Ange-Felix Patasse was in Niger for a
meeting of African leaders, suspended the constitution
and dismissed the legislature yesterday, tightening
his hold on the country as thousands of refugees fled
to Chad.

In a brief radio address, Bozize said his forces
ousted the government "because of the mismanagement of
the country and its inability to carry out its
domestic responsibilities.  Our government is that of
peace and national reconciliation."  Declared
president of the C.A.R. on state radio,  Bozize said
he would speedily take steps toward reconstruction of
the country, including meeting with officials from the
World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

The takeover by Bozize's forces, who moved on the
capital, Bangui, on Saturday, followed six failed coup
attempts in six years in the C.A.R., one of the
world's poorest countries.  Three soldiers from the
Republic of the Congo who were part of a 300-member
African security force policing the capital died in
the fighting (Joseph Benamsse, London Independent,
March 17).  Hospital and military sources said at
least eight people were killed during the coup, and
dozens were wounded.

Bozize said in his radio address that the coup was
only "a temporary suspension of the democratic
process" and that he would meet "as soon as possible
with the nation's political parties and other active
forces" to draft a "consensus program" for the
country, including "the preparation and holding of
transparent elections."

He said searches would be carried out to identify
looters, who ransacked the homes of government
officials and foreign nationals as well as ministries
and shops.  In an effort to halt the looting, Bozize
announced a curfew during hours of darkness (Agence
France-Presse/Yahoo! News, March 17). 

The African Union today condemned the coup and said
its conflict prevention and resolution body will meet
"very shortly to consider the situation and the
measures to be taken," according to Amara Essy, the
interim African Union Commission chairman (Associated
Press/Yahoo! News, March 17).

South African President Thabo Mbeki, chairman of the
African Union, expressed his "unequivocal
condemnation" of the coup.  "Coming at a time when
government and opposition parties were involved in
preparations for national dialogue, peace and
reconciliation, the unconstitutional transfer of power
subtracts rather than adds to the momentum for peace
and stability and indeed undermines continental
efforts aimed at sustainable development and economic
recovery," Mbeki said (AFP, March 17).

In neighboring Chad, the U.N. High Commissioner for
Refugees is setting up a field office in the border
town of Gore, where refugees from the C.A.R. have fled
their country's unrest, which began in mid-February. 
UNHCR officials said Friday that more than 4,000
people crossed into Chad last week, bringing the total
number of refugees in the area to roughly 30,000.

Chadian Soldiers Reportedly Tried To Abduct Women

UNHCR officials appealed to Chadian authorities to
reign in government troops, who have been accused of
harassing refugees.  Last Tuesday, Chadian troops
allegedly tried to abduct women from a refugee camp in
Gore, while on Wednesday, Chadian forces reportedly
went on a looting spree in Gore.  The military was
thereafter ordered to stay out of Gore (UNHCR release,
March 14).

Last week, the World Food Program announced that
donors had ignored its $6.1 million appeal for funds
for the C.A.R.  No contributions were received (UN
Wire, March 12).

John D. Giorgis               -                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tonight I have a message for the brave and oppressed people of Iraq:
 Your enemy is not surrounding your country — your enemy is ruling your  
 country. And the day he and his regime are removed from power will be    
           the day of your liberation."  -George W. Bush 1/29/03

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