"Oscar Pistorius, a double-amputee sprinter, has been denied a shot at  
the Olympics... for being too fast. The runner -- who uses carbon- 
fiber, prosthetic feet -- was reviewed by the International  
Association of Athletics Federations (or IAAF), a review which found  
the combination of man and machine to be too much for its purely human  
competitors. According to the IAAF report, the "mechanical advantage  
of the blade in relation to the healthy ankle joint of an able bodied  
athlete is higher than 30-percent." Additionally, Pistorius uses 25- 
percent less energy than average runners due to the artificial limbs,  
therefore giving him an unfair advantage on the track... or so they  
say. "

Obviously the only fair race is between clones who are only allowed to  
train using 'natural' methods :)

Boxers have weight classes, horses carry weights to compensate for the  
weight of the jockey, golf and tennis have senior circuits...

Why are some kinds of advantages OK and others not?

Was it Chernobyl that made Maria Sharapova grow to be 6'2" Maru?

William T Goodall
Web  :
Blog :

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit  
atrocities." ~Voltaire.


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