>From Russell C.:

> Thankyou Michael for the profanity - big help from someone who has made
> such demands about the way we treat him onlist in the past...

You are right, I am an unreasonable person, I've been so demanding.  By the
by I've only made requests, not demands, but I'm sure you see it
differently.  Part of the reason I've made those requests is because I've
been so stressed out in the last year due to financial problems that any
subject too close to me sets me off rather quickly, as was seen here.  I'm
glad I checked the archives, because this proves to me what I already
suspected.  I'm not really welcome here.  Moreover, I've come to realize
that participating in this list makes me feel worse, not better.  I'm
unsubscribing completely, and doubt seriously if I'll come back even after I
get a job.  Nobody cares about my 3D stuff on the rare occasions that I
actually produce something that I can share publically., so there's no point
in sticking around to post about it.

I'm CCing this message to myself as a reminder as to why I left in case the
notion of coming back creaps into my screwed-up brain.

Goodbye everyone, some of you I will miss, others not so much.

Michael Harney


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