The long-time listmembers will remember one of the most prolific members from Brin-L's past: Gord "Sax" Sellar.

It took a while, but he finally got himself a web presence:

Hey everyone.

I just thought I would announce two things; the first is that after several weeks of busy work, my website is finally up. The address is:

and if you go look there you can see all kinds of stuff: some of my writing, a sample of my music, pictures, and so on.

The only section that is basically under construction now is the "esl" page, where I will put teaching materials when I get to it, and the "text" section where there are still a few essays I need to finish off and post. Everything else is as it will be for a while. Check the photo gallery, you may be there. And by the way, if you're not, don't be sad. Scanning pics is slow work and I haven't uploaded everything quite yet.

The other thing is that my email address has now changed. It is now [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please make the necessary changes to your address book!


Jeroen "Those were the days" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:        


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