--- The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> N200332.DTL
> Texas OKs rigid abortion-counseling law 
> Doctors must cite nonexistent link to cancer 
> Scott Gold, Los Angeles Times   Thursday, May 22,
> 2003   
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Houston -- Texas approved one of the nation's most
> sweeping abortion
> "counseling" laws Wednesday, requiring doctors,
> among other things, to
> warn women that abortion might lead to breast cancer
> -- a correlation
> that does not exist, according to the American
> Cancer Society and federal researchers. 

As I posted last year, there has been *no* convincing
evidence linking either breast or cervical cancer to
abortion.  However, there is quite clear evidence that
breast cancer risk is *reduced* with each pregnancy
and with ~ every 6-8 months of breastfeeding.  (This
probably has to do with reduced exposure of breast
tissue to hormone fluctuations, i.e. fewer menstrual
cycles; increased prolactin levels might also play a
role.  Research continues.)


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