You can use this map to find writers you might like to read.
And what do you know?
All around Brin are writers I like a lot.

Spelurking Maru
D Brin sez:

>Some expected results... but also several different
>misspellings of Michael Crichton, including one that's
>closest in!  For many years O.S. Card and I have been
>"irked" by the massive overlap in our readership...
>though my own "irk" is with a wry smile.  All told?  I
>am rather pleased by the company I keep.

The first thing I noted was *all* the "Killer Bees" present, plus
notables such as Niven, Clarke, Heinlein, Pohl(twice), Vance, and
You have a misspelled Neal Stephenson there too.

Something of note is the page is not static, it changes somewhat with
every visit.
Iain Banks was on the page the first few times I visited but seems to
have disappeared and i think I saw Stross there once too.

One of the cooler items I see is Michael Chabon listed here. If anyone
has not read "The Amazing Adventures Of Cavalier And Clay" you are
missing out because it greatly deserves that Pulitzer it won.

I started playing a game with myself using this website. Think of an
author, one who is drasticly different from Brin. Frex:
I can get to Brin from Stephen King in 2 clicks.(Clarke,Brin)
I can get from Lovecraft to Brin in 2 clicks.(Banks,Brin)
I can get from F. Scott Fitzgerald to Brin in 3 clicks.(Bradbury,
The idea is to find the greatest degree of separation while using only
the shortest possible paths. And you get to practice peer review!<G>

Not The Sites Intended Purpose Maru


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