> > The viewpoint you are
> > expressing here makes 
> Milton Friedman look like Karl Marx.
> Hmmm, if you actually knew what you were talking about, I
> might take that as a compliment.

> > I'm sure you'd call it coincidence...or other
> factors in play, but panics
> > and bubbles are inherent part of any market.  Its
> irrational to think all
> > market players act rationally.
> It is also irrational
> to think that a bunch of politicians and 
> people like you know how to "fix" the
> system by taking taxpayer money and using 
> it to enrich a bunch of bozos
> who made foolish loans at ridiculously 
> low interest rates because the government
> encouraged the process.

> Just a thought, but you might inspire a bit 
> more confidence in your marks
> if you spent a little time learning about how 
>  markets and regulation actually
> work and a little less repeating cliched-jokes 
> that were corny when my
> grandfather was young.

Wow, John, you certainly have an inflated opinion of yourself, but does it 
really advance your argument to be so insulting?

What you are doing is cyberbullying.  You are using this interface to attack 
anyone who dares to disagree with your opinion.  You seem intelligent enough to 
know better, but you evidently lack the perception and insight to realize that 
such behavior is immature and inappropriate behavior.

Most people who insult other people are insecure.   I suspect you do it because 
you think they are inferior.  Does it make you feel better about yourself if 
you denigrate, patronize, condescend, and put others down?   Do you do it to 
take attention off yourself, or to attract attention?   Is it because you are 
incapable of any other way to handle your anger, except to start an argument?

If you keep it up, rather than allow you to make them upset. some people will 
just start to ignore you, and not engage in further repartee.  That would be 
too bad, because I believe in the free exchange of ideas.  I want you to know 
that I am here for you!~)

I really would like to know why you are so angry?  I have asked you before how 
old you were, because your inappropriate behavior reminds me of someone with 
or some bright kid who hasn't learned manners.
"You ain't no nice guy, Larry Underwood"
Stephen King - "The Stand"


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