
University of Florida researchers have identified one possible reason
for rising obesity rates, and it all starts with fructose, found in
fruit, honey, table sugar and other sweeteners, and in many processed

Fructose may trick you into thinking you are hungrier than you should
be, say the scientists, whose studies in animals have revealed its role
in a biochemical chain reaction that triggers weight gain and other
features of metabolic syndrome - the main precursor to type 2 diabetes.
In related research, they also prevented rats from packing on the
pounds by interrupting the way their bodies processed this simple
sugar, even when the animals continued to consume it.


Now UF research implicates a rise in uric acid in the bloodstream that
occurs after fructose is consumed, Johnson said. That temporary spike
blocks the action of insulin, which typically regulates how body cells
use and store sugar and other food nutrients for energy. If uric acid
levels are frequently elevated, over time features of metabolic
syndrome may develop, including high blood pressure, obesity and
elevated blood cholesterol levels.


"When we blocked or lowered uric acid, we were able to largely prevent
or reverse features of the metabolic syndrome," Johnson said. "We were
able to significantly reduce weight gain, we were able to significantly
reduce the rise in the triglycerides in the blood, the insulin
resistance was less and the blood pressure fell."


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