
Nasa team feared shuttle wing failure 

Oliver Burkeman in Washington
Thursday February 27, 2003
The Guardian 

Nasa engineers sent emails the day before the Columbia disaster
expressing their fears that the space shuttle's wing might burn off,
killing the astronauts inside, according to records released by the space
agency last night. 
"Why are we talking about this on the day before landing and not the day
after launch?" wrote William Anderson, an engineer for United Space
Alliance, a Nasa subcontractor, referring to fears that damage caused to
the craft's left wing during launch might allow superheated air to burn
through its fuselage. 

The documents, released under US freedom of information legislation, show
engineers at Nasa's Langley research centre in Virginia engaged in a
frenetic series of phone calls and emails in the 24 hours before Columbia
burned up during re-entry on February 1, killing the crew of six
Americans and one Israeli. 

At mission control at the Johnson space centre in Houston, Texas, a
flight controller, Jeffrey Kling, made contingency plans for a blaze in
the shuttle's wheel compartment, suggesting in an email that if that
occurred, Nasa should "set up for a bailout (assuming the wing doesn't
burn off before we can get the crew out)". 

But the engineers decided not to inform senior Nasa executives on the
level of Ron Dittemore, the shuttle programme manager, who could have
ordered the plans to be enacted. 

The engineers' fears provide a persuasive account of what may have
happened to Columbia because a loss of data from the left wing was the
main warning to mission control that something on board was badly wrong. 

In one email, shuttle engineer Kevin McCluney explored the possibility of
"LOCV" - loss of crew and vehicle - but said that only a total loss of
data from sensors on the wing would justify considering whether to bail
out or proceed with a potentially fatal landing. 

Writing to Mr Dittemore after the disaster, when the requests were made
for the emails, Nasa employee Robert Doremus said the engineers were
"doing a 'what-if' discussion and ... we all expected a safe entry". 

On Tuesday, the board investigating the disaster said it wanted to
discover more about an unidentified object, about 1ft square and 4in
deep, that probably fell off the shuttle and could be seen flying
alongside it. 

A videotape, apparently recovered in Texas, showing footage recorded
inside the craft, stops four minutes before the disaster and shows the
crew behaving normally. 


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