I was already wondering that there are no new items in my "Brin" folder.
Maybe it's the "Worm Week"? At least my computers are still healthy (a
friend of mine had SOBIG and I had to find out and remove it manually
because Internet connection was no longer working).


> ----------
> From:         Nick Arnett[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent:         Dienstag, 26. August 2003 06:41
> To:   Nick Arnett
> Subject:      Brin-L problems
> I'm sending this message to the whole Brin-L list, to let you know that
> there's some weird problem I'm having with Mailman, the list server
> software
> we use.  I'm working to resolve it, but so far, it's being quite difficult
> to figure out.  Some of you have been getting list mail, some haven't.
> You can see what messages reach the server by going to the archives:
> http://www.mccmedia.com/pipermail/brin-l/
> Feel free to send messages to the list as usual -- that might help me
> diagnose the problem.  If they appear in the archives, but you don't
> receive
> them within an hour or so, please let me know (off-list!)
> Nick
> --
> Nick Arnett
> Phone/fax: (408) 904-7198


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