> > I wrote:
> > Girding myself to see Gods and Generals.
> >  >>>
> >  >
> >  >Save yourself, its awful, darn awful.
> But will the Disney remake of the Alamo be worse?

*bzzzzz* already happened, and it rocked.


GSV Davey... Davey Crockett! King of the Wild Frontier!

I think they mean this:


A new movie about the Alamo with some, errrr, interesting historical interpretations.

I don't know what you people were talking about, saying GaG was bad. It was a great movie. Yes the speeches at the beginning were bad, in some other parts the actors were saying things that were probably never said, some of the actors were more wooden than the trees, but I'd still give it a four out of five. The battle scenes were great, they showed how bad war was and how stupidly they waged it. The tear jerking scenes were pretty good. They had me crying....but I cry at commercials so take i with a grain of salt.

I don't know how they could make it shorter. They cut out three battles from the book and only showed small parts of the other two. The pre-war scenes were missing. A lot of non war stuff during the war was gone. Okay, there were a few things that could have been cut, but it showed the human sides of the officers.

Kevin T. - VRWC
Enough for now


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