"· Rees sees main faiths as help in extremism fight
· Dawkins warns against 'buying into fiction'

Alok Jha, science correspondent
Tuesday May 29, 2007
The Guardian

Scientists should form a closer alliance with mainstream religion in  
order to better fight extremism, the president of the Royal Society  
said yesterday.

Speaking at a debate at the Guardian Hay festival, Martin Rees, the  
Astronomer Royal who heads the Royal Society, said that science  
needed as many allies as it could find in the current climate. "If we  
give the impression that science is hostile to even mainstream  
religion, it will be more difficult to combat the kinds of anti- 
science sentiments that are really important," he said. "We need  
people like that as allies in dealing with extreme fundamentalism."

His fellow panellists, evolutionists Richard Dawkins and Steve Jones,  
disagreed. Prof Dawkins said that, though he had cooperated with the  
recently-retired Bishop of Oxford, Richard Harries, to complain about  
allowing creationists to set up schools, he urged a limit. "If we are  
too friendly to nice, decent bishops, we run the risk of buying into  
the fiction that there's something virtuous about believing things  
because of fate rather than because of evidence. We run the risk of  
betraying scientific enlightenment."

Bishops themselves never killed anybody, but possibly made the world  
safer for "people who do kill people by extolling the virtues of  
faith as opposed to reason and evidence".

Prof Jones discussed the problems he comes across when teaching  
students with Islamic backgrounds. "To a man and to a woman, there  
are parts of science they will not accept.

"That means that, in their early lives, they have been told  
deliberate lies by people who, I'm sure, know they are deliberate  
lies. I don't care how charming they are, I don't care how pleasant  
they are, these people are evil.

"What's true for imams is, more or less, true for bishops."

Lord Rees went on to point out potential threats to science. "There  
are new kinds of extreme views that are separate from religion -  
there are many strange cults that I find potentially terrifying." He  
cited the Raelian cult as an example, members of which believe that  
their leader came from outer space and are attempting to clone  
humans, saying: "They would say they are on the side of science.  
People like the Raelians show that we're kidding ourselves if we  
think that a scientific education makes people rational."

Cults allied to technology in this way could be dangerous. "You can  
imagine eco-groups who imagine the world would be better off without  
human beings. We need to combat these new irrationalities and, in  
doing this we should seek allies wherever we can, and I think allies  
do include people who call themselves religious. We should strive for  
peaceful co-existence with the mainstream religions."
William T Goodall
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