Bring on the Subpoena-Bots! 

A few years ago I was summoned for jury duty. The summons was an
old-fashioned computer-printed document spit out by an IBM mainframe
computer down at the county courthouse. Procedural rules required that
prospective jurors be chosen by an officer of the court, so a judge had
apparently deputized the mainframe as an officer of the court. For some
reason I found this concept, of a computer as deputized legal officer,
endlessly amusing.

Now the same concept is being applied at the Federal level. But in this
case the computer isn't even owned and run by the court. It's run by the
recording industry.

The recording industry, you see, is barraging the Federal courts with
requests for subpoenas to compel Internet Service Providers to identify
their customers who are alleged to be offering copyrighted music for
download. Seth Schoen has read many of these subpoenas and he reports
that "they're obviously generated by a script", that is, by a computer

Congress created the special subpoena provision that the RIAA is using
here, a provision that requires the court to rubber-stamp any subpoena
request made by a copyright holder who claims to have a good-faith belief
that its copyrights are being infringed. Given this relatively low
standard for issuance of a subpoena, the advent of subpoena-bots should
come as no surprise.

Of course, big copyright owners aren't the only people allowed to use
subpoena-bots. Virtually everything that anybody writes is copyrighted,
so this subpoena power is available to every writer or artist, even down
to the humblest newbie blogger. Want to know who that anonymous critic
is? No problem; send your subpoena-bots after them.


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