
In my paper today, on the front page of the sports section, there was a
beautiful shot of the peloton riding through a spot where it was nicely
wooded (gorgeous tall trees) on one side of the road, and enough of a
gap in the trees to be able to get a shot of the peloton from the other
side.  A fan at the side of the road was waving a big ol' Texas flag.  I
swear, that thing was over a meter tall, and correspondingly wide.  The
shot is dominated by the trees in the background, and it's just at the
bottom you see the Texas flag, looking small in the picture, but the
riders look smaller still, so you get a nice feel for the grandeur of
the trees.

Also in my paper, it reported that Victor Hugo Peņa, the current wearer
of the yellow jersey, was still acting in his job as a domestique. 
(He'd expressed concern that he wasn't doing his job of assisting Lance
Armstrong at one point one day he was wearing the jersey, and Lance told
him not to worry about it so much and try to enjoy the jersey.)  I think
there may be some sort of poetic justice in a domestique bearing the
yellow jersey.  :)  


Who besides Lance Armstrong and Jan Ullrich are real contenders in the
mountain stages?


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