O.k. folks, what is going on here?   In the past few days, we have heard
Dr. Brin argue:

1) The "no-brainer" solution to Iraq, is to divide up Iraq and Iraq's oil
resources between the non-Arab Kurds and the non-Sunni Shiites, without any
regard for how this might inflame the "Sunni-Arab" street.

2) The only ally we need against Iraq is Iran.  Yes, the same Iran that
still calls us "The Great Satan of the West," the same Iran that is still
developing WMD's of its own (no hypocrisy by the US here!), and the same
Iran that wouldn't even ally with us against its enemies, the (Sunni)
Taliban-controlled Afghanistan!

3) And now.....

>You want NATO to be the world gov?  You cannot see how 
>self-satisfying that model is?  MY SIDE GETS TO RULE!
>John, you really need to step back.

You mean it is completely amazing to hope that Democracy and Free Markets
might triumph over Totalitarianism, Autoritarianism, Repression, and
Fanatacism??????   This is an opinion that I am to be ridiculed for?

What's going on here? 

And will whoever took the real David Brin please put him back when you're


John D. Giorgis         -               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
People everywhere want to say what they think; choose who will govern
them; worship as they please; educate their children -- male and female;
 own property; and enjoy the benefits of their labor. These values of 
freedom are right and true for every person,  in every society -- and the 
duty of protecting these values against their enemies is the common 
calling of freedom-loving people across the globe and across the ages.
                -US National Security Policy, 2002

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