Patent scare hits streaming industry 

By John Borland 
Staff Writer, CNET
February 6, 2003, 4:00 AM PT
Michael Roe, proprietor of the small RadioIO Webcasting station, got a
surprise FedEx package this week, containing a notification that he was
violating patents owned by a company he'd never heard of. 
That's not uncommon in the technology world--the surprise was the scope
of the claims. The sender, a company called Acacia Media Technologies,
said it owned patents on the process of transmitting compressed audio or
video online, one of the most basic multimedia technologies on the Net. 

Roe, who recently finished fighting an expensive legislative battle over
copyright fees for the music his station plays, was flabbergasted. Acacia
only wanted three-quarters of a percent of his revenue, but every bit
hurts at this point, he said. 

"It's extortion," Roe said. "It's just another example of someone seeking
to extend patents for an old technology to...cover completely new
technology. It's absurd." 

This week's letter to RadioIO is just a small part of an expanding
licensing campaign by Acacia, which confidently says it holds sweeping
patents likely to cover the activities of a huge swath of Internet
multimedia companies, ranging from Microsoft to America Online. They
could even cover pay-per-view movies on cable TV and in hotel rooms. On
Wednesday, the company signed up its latest licensee, Mexican satellite
telecommunications company Grupo Pegaso. 

Bold patent claims on seemingly generic software ideas or business
practices are an increasingly common part of the technology landscape.
But there is reason to take Acacia seriously. Radio Free Virgin, the
online music division of Richard Branson's Virgin corporation, said it
agreed to license the technology late last year after a careful legal

Zack Zalon, general manager of Virgin's Net radio site, says he gets
wheelbarrows full of patent claims on a routine basis. This was the first
one he and his attorneys took seriously enough to sign a license. 

"We did research on the claims and found that they were pretty
clear--somewhat broad, but specific enough to cover us," Zalon said. "We
realized that they were tight enough that a license would be
substantially less expensive in the long run than litigation." 

Indeed, patent experts say, those are the ground rules for a game that is
being played with increasing frequency online and elsewhere, as more
companies attempt to turn intellectual property into royalties in a time
of economic malaise. 

A rash of instances in which seemingly basic Web technologies and
practices have been subject to patent claims has come up over the past
year. Telecommunications giant SBC Communications is claiming rights to
Web site "frames." Another company says it has rights to the e-commerce
site staple known as the shopping cart. And a myriad of Web streaming and
multimedia patents have surfaced in recent years, ranging from SightSound
Technology's claim to hold rights in the process of selling downloadable
music to Intouch Group's claim to patents on putting snippets of music on
Web sites as samples. 

"I'm seeing a lot more of it," said Rich Belgard, an independent patent
consultant. "With the economy the way it is, you see a lot more people
trying to leverage their intellectual property. It's one of the few ways
left that people can actually make money." 

With a well-funded legal team, years of experience and research, and an
apparently solid set of patents, Acacia appears to be making one of the
most daunting of these recent efforts. 

Up the stream without a paddle
Acacia Media Technologies is part of a larger corporation called Acacia
Research, which holds intellectual property in several areas. One of its
subsidiaries owns critical technology used in the television
content-blocking V-Chip and last year alone earned close to $25 million
in royalties from that side of the business. 

The company's digital media strategy began in earnest several years ago.
It had determined that it owned about a third of the patents it needed to
mount a licensing strategy for Web streaming, and its attorneys spent
considerable time researching the rights held by another set of companies
that Acacia ultimately purchased in 2001. By the time Acacia finished, it
owned five U.S. patents and 17 international patents dating back to 1991.

"We spent an enormous amount of time doing prior art searches in the
U.S., Europe and Japan," said Robert Berman, Acacia's general counsel.
Prior art is a patent term that means someone else has already invented
the process, barring another party from winning or enforcing a patent.
"We did a tremendous amount of research on these patents'

Once the company felt certain it had its legal ducks in a row, it started
writing letters. According to Berman, the patents could affect virtually
anyone involved in the business of providing on-demand digital audio or
video, from software companies to network service providers to the actual
content companies. However, Acacia initially decided to contact solely
content providers, reasoning that they were the ones with end-customer
billing relationships, and would provide recurring revenue streams. 

Its first targets, beginning late last year, were adult Web sites. It
sent letters similar to the one RadioIO received this week to 27
pornography-related sites, asking companies to take out licenses worth 1
percent to 2 percent of the streaming-related revenue. The adult
companies were shocked and banded together to find strategies to combat
Acacia's claims. 

Berman said a few of the companies have signed licenses, but others are
holding out. The company is about to initiate patent infringement suits
against several of these holdouts, he said. 

The next step was Web companies. Radio Free Virgin was one of the first.
That company signed a license Dec. 20. RadioIO got its letter this week.
Berman said other letters have gone out to companies large and small,
although he would neither confirm nor deny whether Acacia has tried to
tap larger players such as America Online, RealNetworks or Microsoft. 

Berman said the company is about to approach cable companies that provide
digital or digitized pay-per-view services. 

RealNetworks, one of the earliest companies associated with streaming,
declined to comment specifically on Acacia's claims. 

>From this point on, much will depend on the courts. A patent lawsuit
could cost millions of dollars in litigation fees, and many
companies--like Virgin--may find it simpler to pay Acacia than to
challenge its claims. Acacia says it provides all the information it can
to ensure that people can make that choice rationally. 

"This it what it is, and we're willing to tell people what we have, so
they can make a decision," Berman said. "This is not a scam. We're not
holding people up." 

Outside observers say Acacia's strategy of taking adult sites to court
first is deliberate. Those sites are likely to fight the claim, but don't
have the resources of Microsoft or RealNetworks to pour into patent
litigation. Should Acacia win, a court judgment will make it easier for
it to persuade the larger, more profitable companies to sign their own

An attorney for, a company helping to organize the adult sites,
did not return calls for comment. 

Nevertheless, a court strategy is always risky. Judges and juries have
been known to throw out overbroad patents before, and legal teams on the
defense often spend considerably more time than the overworked United
States Patent and Trademark Office in researching possible previous
inventions that would invalidate a patent. 

"All patents can be challenged," Belgard said. "I think there are many
Internet patents that can and should be challenged and invalidated." 


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