> > Thanks, David, for that succinct, but thorough
> explanation of what
> > motivates the troll and one way to circumvent
> it.  The fact that this
> > character is operating behind a false persona
> indicates he doesn't
> > even have the convictions of his "philosophical"
> principles. ---Jon

> Jon--
> Actually, using a nickname is very common among
> Wikipedia editors, good and bad.  (It took me a
> while to figure out who "Albmont" was, even.)            
> ---David

Albmont is an easy one to figure out.  I do know about nicknames.  I don't 
understand why people create false personas to hide behind them so they can 
cause mischief.  Whenever I run across it I wonder what their motivation is, 
just like when I see people deliberately litter.  Now I try to ignore them or 
just leave the site, rather than engage.



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