Re: How to be:

2006-10-17 Thread jdiebremse

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> See? Part of the problem is that there is not even agreement on what
> the problem is. Only that there is a problem.

And I might even be so bold as to disagree that there is even a problem.

After all if there are N issues, and 2 leading candidates, what are the
odds that you agree with one of the candidates on 90% of N issues if N
is large?



Re: Hello, Testing, 1 2 3 Testing

2006-10-17 Thread jdiebremse

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My digest-subscribed address has not received anything since July 29,
> that data point helps anyone

For those interested in the digest, I've been reading the List via the
Yahoo! Groups digest for some time now.



Re: Apostates!

2006-10-17 Thread Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro
Charlie Bell wrote:
> Chicken soup? Is that a reference to my cold of over a month ago? :-D
> Thanks Ronn for bringing up (ewww) old material...
What cold? Cold fusion?

Alberto Monteiro

Re: Apostates!

2006-10-17 Thread Charlie Bell

On 18/10/2006, at 10:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 10/17/2006 5:41:07 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,

 (Printed in the local paper this morning.  I found it on-line at
Jewish World Review Oct. 16, 2006 / 24 Tishrei, 5767)

Global  warming... just a theory...

You need a more accurate reading.

Stand further away from the chicken soup.

Chicken soup? Is that a reference to my cold of over a month ago? :-D  
Thanks Ronn for bringing up (ewww) old material...



Re: Apostates!

2006-10-17 Thread Medievalbk
In a message dated 10/17/2006 5:41:07 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  

>  (Printed in the local paper this morning.  I found it on-line at   
> Jewish World Review Oct. 16, 2006 / 24 Tishrei, 5767)

Global  warming... just a theory...

You need a more accurate reading.

Stand further away from the chicken soup.

Re: Apostates!

2006-10-17 Thread Charlie Bell

On 18/10/2006, at 2:31 AM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

(Printed in the local paper this morning.  I found it on-line at  
Jewish World Review Oct. 16, 2006 / 24 Tishrei, 5767)

Global warming... just a theory...

Deja Vu Maru

RE: Irregulars Question: London Hotels

2006-10-17 Thread Gary Nunn

>I may go to London in two weeks, and I know nothing 
>about good [breakfast included: my company pays for 
>hotel but not for food, and I am in no financial position 
>to have extra expenses!] hotels.
>Any suggestions? 
>Alberto Monteiro

That depends, do you want the room by the night or by the hour?  :-)



Re: Microsoft is getting greedy...

2006-10-17 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

At 11:22 AM Tuesday 10/17/2006, Gary Nunn wrote:

This amazes me. I understand limiting transfers from an anti-piracy
standpoint, but if my hard drive crashes and I have to reinstall Vista,
adding another $400 to that price tag would be prohibitive.

If I'm purchasing a license of any software, I should be allowed to transfer
this to any number of computers as long as there is only one installation at
a time.

I predict this policy will be challenged by consumer advocates and be short

Either that, or Apple and whoever is making OS-empty boxes for the 
end-user to install the *nix of his/her choice are going to see their 
profits climb . . .

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: Irregulars Question

2006-10-17 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

At 07:45 PM Friday 10/13/2006, Charlie Bell wrote:

On 14/10/2006, at 8:42 AM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

(I have one of those 5 CD changers that Panasonic marketed several
years ago, but they apparently quit making it or updating drivers
for it for Win98 or higher, so it sits in an old box gathering
dust.  'Twas really useful, too . . . )

No third party drivers? Useful for Riven... :)


I've looked at the various driver sites on-line and left inquiries on 
some of the bulletin boards but no one seems to know of anything.  If 
anyone has any suggestions of places to look . . .

I suppose in principle I could make an effort to learn enough to 
write one myself.

-- Ronn!  :)



2006-10-17 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
(Printed in the local paper this morning.  I 
found it on-line at Jewish World Review Oct. 16, 2006 / 24 Tishrei, 5767)

Inhofe, the apostate

By Debra J. Saunders | Global warming 
is a religion, not science. That's why acolytes 
in the media attack global-warming critics not 
with scientific arguments, but for their 
apostasy. Then they laud global-warming believers 
not for reducing greenhouse gases, but simply for 
believing global warming is a coming catastrophe 
caused by man. The important thing is to have 
faith in those who warn: The end is near.

So a New York Times editorial Thursday took after 
Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., not for being a 
Doubting Thomas, but as the headline read, a 
"Doubting Inhofe." The brunt of the editorial was 
not a scientific refutation of Inhofe's arguments 
against the global-warming craze ­ other than to 
cite a National Academy of Sciences report that 
warned that the Earth is approaching the warmest 
temperatures in 12,000 years ­ a short blip in time to your average geologist.

The Times' focus was on Inhofe's refusal to bow 
to "the consensus among mainstream scientists and 
the governments of nearly every industrialized 
nation concerning manmade climate change." That 
is, Inhofe has had the effrontery to challenge 
elite orthodoxy. Or, as the editorial put it, 
Inhofe "has really buttressed himself with the will to disbelieve."

Get thee away, Satan.

"I see a sense of desperation that I haven't seen 
before," Inhofe told me by phone Thursday, "and 
frankly I'm enjoying it." CNN's Miles O'Brien 
also challenged Inhofe in a similar vein. O'Brien 
cited the NAS study, then assailed Inhofe with 
quotes from notable Republicans ­ President Bush, 
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rep. Chris Shays 
of Connecticut ­ who recognize global warming. 
Note that Schwarzenegger gets into global-warming 
heaven just for believing, despite his four Hummers and use of a private jet.

Global warming even has a martyr, NASA scientist 
James Hansen, who told O'Brien in January that 
under the Bushies, "you're not free to speak your 
own mind." It's amazing that a scientist can 
complain that he is being muzzled ­ while appearing on CNN and "60 Minutes."

Be it noted that Hansen endorsed Sen. John Kerry 
for president in 2004 and received a $250,000 
award from a foundation run by Teresa Heinz Kerry 
in 2001. At the time, Hansen told The New York 
Times, the award had "no impact on my evaluation 
of the climate problem or on my political leanings." I believe that.

I also believe we should all be so muzzled.

What does Inhofe make of the NAS finding? Inhofe 
recognizes that the Earth is warming, but sees 
this as part of the natural cycle. Inhofe 
mentioned the Medieval Warm Period ­ the year 
1000 to 1270, when the Vikings grew crops in 
Greenland. So he doesn't buy this 12,000-year 
high. His office referred me to a piece 
University of Oklahoma geology professor David 
Deming penned for the Normal Transcript that 
noted, "The fact that the thermometer wasn't 
invented until the year 1714 ought to give us 
pause when evaluating this remarkable claim."

I remain agnostic on global warming, as I've seen 
good arguments on both sides. I know, however, 
that I never will be convinced that global 
warming is a scientific threat as long as 
believers put most of their energy into 
establishing orthodoxy and denying that reputable 
global-warming skeptics exist.

The Times' "mainstream scientists" line 
undermines the editorial's credibility, as it 
ignores the likes of MIT climate scientist 
Richard S. Lindzen, who argues that clouds and 
water vapor will counteract greenhouse-gas 
emissions. Ditto the 60 Canadian scientists who 
wrote to Prime Minister Stephen Harper that there 
is no "'consensus' among climate scientists."

Let me add the Copenhagen Consensus, a group of 
Nobel Prize-winning scientists and economists 
that looks at the best way to spend a 
hypothetical $50 billion to benefit mankind, 
rated fighting global warming as a "bad" use of 
money. That's amazing, when you consider the 
pressure that is put upon scientists to conform.

"Consensus" is another word for clique science. 
The good people are true believers, the bad 
people exhibit a "will to disbelieve." Editors 
used to salute healthy skepticism. Now some are global-warming Torquemadas.


Microsoft is getting greedy...

2006-10-17 Thread Gary Nunn

This amazes me. I understand limiting transfers from an anti-piracy
standpoint, but if my hard drive crashes and I have to reinstall Vista,
adding another $400 to that price tag would be prohibitive.

If I'm purchasing a license of any software, I should be allowed to transfer
this to any number of computers as long as there is only one installation at
a time.

I predict this policy will be challenged by consumer advocates and be short

Gary - <--- who advocates a big Vulcan Groin Kick for Micro$oft.

Microsoft limits Vista transfers

Under changes to Microsoft's licensing terms, buyers of retail copies of
Vista will be able to transfer their software to a new machine only once. If
they want to move their software a second time, they will have to buy a new
copy of the operating system. 

In the past, those who bought a retail copy of Windows needed to uninstall
it from any machine before moving it to another machine, but there was no
limit to how many times this could be d

Complete article



The Vulcan Neck Pinch is not half as powerful as the
Vulcan Groin Kick, but it's more politically correct. 
~ Quotes you'll never hear on Star Trek.



Re: Morality

2006-10-17 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

At 07:14 AM Friday 9/8/2006, Charlie Bell wrote:

I have a head full of cotton wool, and lovely luminous mucous. I love
colds, me.


I recall one such bout of the flu where at the time I was enjoying 
similar systems I also had occasion to do a fairly large paste-up job 
using rubber cement.  When the rubber cement jar had been open for a 
few minutes and it had lost a little of the solvent and so gotten a 
little opaque and colored there was a startling resemblance in both 
visual appearance and consistency between the rubber cement and what 
I had to stop every few minutes and go out into the hall (away from 
the other people I was working with) and blow large quantities of out 
of my nose . . .

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: Hello, Testing, 1 2 3 Testing

2006-10-17 Thread Nick Arnett

On 10/16/06, Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My digest-subscribed address has not received anything since July 29, if
that data point helps anyone

You, too?!

Something odd is going on... I'll work on it as I have time, but that's
always an issue.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

Irregulars Question: London Hotels

2006-10-17 Thread Alberto Monteiro
I may go to London in two weeks, and I know nothing about good 
[breakfast included: my company pays for hotel but not for food, 
and I am in no financial position to have extra expenses!] hotels.

Any suggestions? I would prefer those that are close to Lanesborough Place
or to the subway line that passes through Hyde Park Corder.

Alberto Monteiro
