
2010-04-30 Thread Kanandarqu

Hi everyone, 
Just to stir things up, I have to admit I had a good chuckle and a WTG "in  
your face" religious moment reading about "Boobquake" and I figure it might 
be a  "in play topic" with a bit of self moderated tongue in cheek.  
I am thinking I am having a IF moment- Ironic feminism- kinda like women  
who use the words "broad" or "chick" toward a purpose of trying to reclaim  
the power of the words.  I am a poor spokesperson for feminism, but I sure  
do love a good bit of mockery and sarcasm.
For the non "Mericans, here is an exerpt from CBS-
CBS)  A senior Iranian cleric's controversial theory that  
immodestly-dressed women can cause earthquakes is being put to the test, thanks 
 to an 
Indiana student and 80,000 accomplices. 

_Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi was quoted in Iranian media last  week_ 
(  as saying 
"Many women who do not dress modestly ...  lead young men astray, corrupt 
their chastity and spread adultery in society,  which (consequently) 
increases earthquakes." 

Jennifer McCreight, a  Purdue University senior majoring in genetics and 
evolution, told CBS  Affiliate WLFI correspondent Niccole Caan she wanted to 
take a light-hearted  approach to field testing the cleric's scientific 

She's asking  women to dress immodestly on Monday, April 26, so that any 
discernable effects  upon the Earth's tectonic plates can be traced. 

"I want to do good  science to counter the bad science this cleric had 
performed," she told  WLFI. "I'm going to compare the frequency and severity of 
the earthquakes  on the 26th to earthquakes previous to that, and see if 
there is a statistical  difference." 

She admitted her experiment, dubbed Boobquake, was  "light-hearted 
mockery," but had no idea it would take off the way it has.  

Thinking the Boobquake guest list would be limited to a small circle of  
friends, McCreight soon found news of the event, _posted on a Facebook page 
devoted to Boobquake_ 
( , had  gone viral, 
with many willing to participate in the experiment. 

By  Friday, more than 80,000 women had signed up, adding even more heft to 
the  scientific calculus. 

McCreight did not dictate what to wear - only that  women should dress as 
immodestly as they feel comfortable doing. 

"I'm  not forcing people to dress differently than they would be," 
McCreight told  WLFI. "Even showing an ankle to some people would be immodest, 
you can  interpret that however you wish." 

For the record, on Monday _she wore a tank  top_ 

Re: On Listmail

2010-04-30 Thread Charlie Bell

On 01/05/2010, at 10:38 AM, wrote:

> >Shhh.
> >
> >C.
> >___
> Be vewwy vewwy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits.
> Dee





Re: On Listmail

2010-04-30 Thread Kanandarqu


Be vewwy vewwy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits.


Re: On Listmail

2010-04-30 Thread Charlie Bell

On 30/04/2010, at 5:00 AM, Bruce Bostwick wrote:

> On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:26 PM, John Williams wrote:
>> From my point of view, the current political situation in
>> the US is a disaster and just too depressing to even think about.
Hang on. I think John may have just twigged. And I think I may have to disable 
my old email filters for a while and see if we can get a good faith discussion 
out of this. *done*

Interesting. Very interesting.

> It is depressing, isn't it?  What passes for discourse in this country these 
> days brings images to my mind of tribes of screeching monkeys flinging feces 
> at each other.  Too many people are focusing all their effort on out-shouting 
> anyone tho disagrees with them, and putting no effort at all into actually 
> listening or trying to gain real understanding.  Yes, I find that very 
> depressing indeed.

Isn't it. When the only intelligent discussion one sees in American current 
affairs is the Daily Show and Rachel Maddow, it's a bit concerning... 
> It doesn't help that many of the people now shouting the loudest are people 
> who are, indirectly, actively arguing for their own ruin,

Indeed. Rarely has "careful what you wish" for been so apropos.


Re: On Listmail

2010-04-30 Thread Charlie Bell

On 30/04/2010, at 3:34 AM, Richard Baker wrote:

> Doug said:
>> Is anyone out there?
> I'm still here; I don't think that I'll ever unsubscribe from Brin-L and the 
> Culture. I agree that it's been awfully quiet though.
> Rich
> GCU Mailing List Fermi Paradox
> _



Rio de Janeiro rains in April/2010 [was: On Listmail]

2010-04-30 Thread Alberto Monteiro
Doug Pensinger asked:
>   Oops, sorry.  Over 50 cm then?
28.8 cm, the volume of April in 24 hours.

There were two big problems: the rains happened during a time of high
tide _and_ winds coming from the Sea; with abnormally high sea levels,
the water couldn't flow to the Ocean. A huge part of Rio is at 
sea-level, and in 99% of cases when it rains, water flows naturally
to the Ocean.

But look at a few images in:

Another problem was sort-of expected: there are millions of people
living in the hills in Rio (and Niteroi - another city, look
at the map ...
... Niteroi is at the other side of Guanabara Bay). These people
illegally occupy preservation zones, and it's extremely hard to
remove them, because any attempt to remove them is faced with
"human rights defenders" that say they have the right to live
where they live (those "human right defenders" vanish whenever
a disaster happens and kills those people they "protect").

The worst single-point disaster was an illegal occupation in
a landfill zone - some of the occupants didn't even know that
they were living over a garbage dump.

The disaster in Rio wasn't worse because Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes
used the TV networks and asked people to stay at home on Tuesday
(rains started on Monday). So very few people got strangled in
traffic and were carried by the floods on Tuesday - most of us
watched the rivers flowing through the city from the safety of


Alberto Monteiro
