Carbon, Rings

2010-12-13 Thread Ronn! Blankenship
The First Carbon Planet? - ScienceNOW -

Violent Origin for Saturn's Rings - ScienceNOW -


Breastfeeding on Facebook

2010-12-13 Thread Jon Louis Mann
>> I didn't say that. What I said is that only 
>> sociopaths, perverts and baby killers can think 
>> that breastfeeding is obscene.
> Would you agree that it is in bad taste
> to use foul language, even though it is an expression 
> of free speech that some feel is disrespectful and 
> offensive, or are they just prudes who don't deserve 
> to have an opinion?
Non sequitur. How does the use of foul language
correlate to breastfeeding? Do you think breastfeeding
is some way disgusting or offensive?

>> and another picture of the Google model:

>> The girl is fully clothed, what's the point?

> NO way was she fully dressed! (although her nipples 
> were covered)

QED. And I still can't see why you posted that
image. Is it to protest against the induction of
breast cancer caused by the use of tight bras?

> I have never heard of a Facebook rule 
> outlawing pictures of women breast feeding in public.  
> Are you certain about this, Alberto?

I was trying to make the point that there are far 
more important issues than a breast feeding ban on
Facebook, such as privacy, or using foul language, 
which I have seen all over Facebook. I was a bottle 
baby myself, which may explain why I posted those 
cleavage pictures!~)  Do you think I may harbor 
some deeply buried resentment because I was denied 
my own Mommy's breast?~)

As for the Google girl with the giant titties; I 
was being ironic.  I honestly had no idea tight 
bras caused breast cancer!~)

Thanks to Charlie's link I recognize that Facebook 
truly is banning breast feeding pictures.  I wonder 
who were the people who were posting the obscene 
pictures of breast feeding that prompted Facebook 
to take such drastic action.

Nevertheless, I will continue to use Facebook and
guard my privacy as best I can; which is what I 
consider to be a far more important reason to avoid 
using the electronic interface.



Re: For Alberto and others

2010-12-13 Thread Alberto Monteiro

Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
> The middle segment on tonight's "60 Minutes" was on Brazil and its 
> economy.  I don't know if when the show becomes available on
> (tomorrow morning?) it will be accessible from outside the U.S. or not.
I hope they didn't base their research on the Uncyclopedia article...

Alberto Monteiro


Re: Facebook breastfeeding ban

2010-12-13 Thread Alberto Monteiro
Jon Louis Mann wrote:
>> I didn't say that. What I said is that only 
>> sociopaths, perverts and babykillers can think 
>> that breastfeeding is obscene.
> Would you agree that it is in bad taste
> to use foul language, even though it is an expression 
> of free speech that some feel is disrespectful and 
> offensive, or are they just prudes who don't deserve 
> to have an opinion?
Non sequitur. How does the use of foul language
correlate to breastfeeding? Do you think breastfeeding
is some way disgusting or offensive?

>> and another picture of the Google model:
>> The girl is fully clothed, what's the point?
> NO way was she fully dressed! (although her nipples 
> were covered)
QED. And I still can't see why you posted that
image. Is it to protest against the induction of
breast cancer caused by the use of tight bras?

> I have never heard of a Facebook rule 
> outlawing pictures of women breast feeding in public.  
> Are you certain this, Alberto?
They removed _all_ breastfeeding images.
Alberto Monteiro


Re: Facebook censorship and internet porn

2010-12-13 Thread Deborah Harrell
> Bruce Bostwick wrote:
>> Charlie wrote:
> > Jon wrote:
>> ...that may prevent a woman from learning how to examine herself for
>> cancer or her options if she is diagnosed...
>> ...policy of removing pictures of breastfeeding.

I glanced at the La Leche League site (an org. that promotes breastfeeding) - 
no easily accessible pix; perhaps one needs to join? Interesting article on 
age-of-weaning, which here in the US is typically less than one year, but in 
developing countries can be 3 or 4 yo.  Huh! - I'd draw the line at teething!

> > evidently there are a lot of riled up women about
> > this.  evidently, some few were using breastfeeding
> > as a way around the facebook restriction on frontal nudity. 
[on facebook]

  Some people just can't deal with bodily functions in a 
non-kindergartener way, tittering instead of just acknowledging.  Not that 
there isn't genuine humor to be found in many cases (I've _so_ had to adjust to 
living with a guy)...


> The problem, and this seems to be endemic to the industry [porn]
> as far as I can tell, is that the industry would very much
> rather do business the way it does now and take every
> possible tactical and/or strategic action available to make
> sure they're not only net-ubiquitous, but that they actually
> crowd out legitimate web search results for completely
> unrelated subjects, and appear in your inbox even if your
> junk mail filtering is strong enough that you end up
> filtering out your friends before you filter out the porn
> ads.  Rather than target a perfectly willing and
> sex-positive demographic that would be happy to pay for
> their premium content, they would rather make the maximum
> possible nuisance of themselves trying to convert maybe one
> in a thousand or so of the largely sex-negative remainder of
> the population that doesn't want to see anything they have to offer. 


> As for free speech, deciding what's abuse of it and what's
> legitimate use of it is a formitable philsophical problem
> indeed.  Likewise, which restrictions on it are
> legitimate and which are overbroad and possibly
> draconian.  There's room for considerable debate along
> that boundary...

I personally find porn repugnant, but as long as only consenting adults are 
involved, I can't advocate banning it.   As in the wikileaks 
dump - I don't want anyone endangered, but there's far too much being covered 
up by various govt's.  

> And I repeat my assertion that our society (particularly
> that of the USA, and even more particularly that of some
> regions of the USA and/or specific segments of the
> population) is not exactly objective or even rational on
> this subject, and is influenced by social and cultural
> standards that I consider dysfunctional and destructive at
> the very least.  Not the least of which is the
> perception that nudity == sex, or the related perception
> that sex == bad/dirty/evil.  Or a whole list of
> others...

We do seem to be schizoid and schizophrenic as a society WRT sexuality. 

> The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace
> alarmed and hence clamorous to be led to safety by menacing
> it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them
> imaginary. - H.L. MENCKEN

Good one!

'It's hard to fight the fire while you're feeding the flames' - Rush

Condoms For The Mind? Maru

