Last Updated Thu, 21 Oct 2004 09:42:47 EDT

SANTA CLARA, CUBA - Cuban President Fidel Castro broke his left knee and caused a hairline fracture his right arm when he fell after making a speech at a graduation ceremony.

The 78-year-old stumbled after leaving the stage during a televised speech Wednesday night in the city of Santa Clara.

"His general health is good and spirits excellent," a brief government statement said.

About a minute after the fall, Castro told state television he thought he may have broken his knee and arm, but was "all in one piece."

"I will do what is possible to recover as fast as possible, but as you can see I can still talk," he said.

"Even if they put me in a cast, I can continue in my work."

Cuba's government later released a statement saying In a nod to international media at the scene, Castro said he expected the incident to make news headlines.

"The international press has captured it, and surely tomorrow it will be on the front pages of the newspapers," he said.

After 45 years ruling the Caribbean island, the communist leader's health is being closely watched by Cuba's exile community and his political enemies.

In June 2001, he fainted while giving a lengthy speech in the hot sun, but quickly returned to tell spectators he was fine.
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I saw this on the news during lunch and couldn't stop laughing for about 5 mins!


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