JDG wrote:

No, that's only half of it - that's the "flip." The "flip-flop" is when
you flip, and then go back - or in Kerry's case on the Iraq war, go back,
and go back, and go back....

It's been said by many others, but perhaps it needs to be said here -- it's not hard to use the record of just about anybody who's been in Congress for a long time to create the impression of flip-flopping. It is political spin created as contrast with GWB's "certainty," in my opinion.

Has the basis of political unity *ever* been the consistency of our leaders opinions? Haven't the political philosophy and actual results been far more important?

Is *consistency* the secret to success in today's world? In my experience, flexibility -- rapid, decisive, innovative, informed response -- is becoming increasingly important. This war in Iraq demonstrates just the opposite -- slow troop deployment and planning, indecisive in the face of Iraqis failing to join us (or toss flowers, etc.), rigid in its focus on a country that didn't attack us while ignoring the real terrorists, and thoroughly uninformed because the administration thinks it is smarter than the intelligence community.

Terrorism became rather flexible and innovative on 9/11 -- and our response should be to be to elect the candidate who boasts that he is so certain of his course that he rarely changes his mind?



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