While I find many of these arguments persuasive, I
just can't envision a proces by which the formation of
a successor organization to the UN occurs.   For this
to happen, many countries need to become disillusioned
by the UN, and so far I don't see that happening.  The
United States remains somewhat unique in the world in
having seen how broken the UN is before everyone else.


Don't Go Back to the U.N. 

By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, March 21, 2003; Page A37 


Don't go back, Mr. President. You walked away from the
United Nations at great cost and with great courage.
Don't go back.

No one knows when this war will end. But when it does,
you'll have to decide the terms. Yet in the past few
days both you and Tony Blair have said you will seek a
new U.N. resolution, postwar, providing for the
governance of Iraq.

Why in God's name would we want to re-empower the
French in deciding the postwar settlement? Why would
we want to grant them influence over the terms, the
powers, the duration of an occupation bought at the
price of American and British blood? France, Germany
and Russia did everything they could to sabotage your
policy before the war. Will they want to see it
succeed after the war?

The Frankfurter Allgemeine reports that on Feb. 21,
Germany's U.N. ambassador, Gunter Pleuger, wrote his
Foreign Ministry that the United States, blocked on a
U.N. war resolution and fighting alone, would later
"remorsefully return to the council" to seek help in
rebuilding Iraq.

That is their game. Why should we play into it? And
why return the issue to Kofi Annan, who had the
audacity to declare the war illegitimate because it is
supported by only 17 U.N. resolutions and not 18?

Mr. President, we lost at the United Nations. Badly.
But that signal defeat had one significant side
benefit. For the first time, Americans got to see what
the United Nations truly is. The experience has been
bracing. The result has been an enormous and salutary
shift in American public opinion.

You've seen the polls: Seventy-five percent of
Americans disapprove of how the United Nations handled
the situation with Iraq. In December, polls showed a
majority of Americans opposed to a war without U.N.
backing. Today, after the U.N. debacle, 71 percent
support the war regardless.

What happened? Americans finally had a look inside the
sausage factory. Their image of the United Nations as
a legitimating institution had always been deeply
sentimental, based on the United Nations of their
youth -- UNICEF, refugee help, earthquake assistance.
A global Mother Teresa. That's what they thought of
the United Nations, and that's why they held it in
esteem and cared about what it said. Now they know
that it is not UNICEF collection boxes but a committee
of cynical, resentful, ex-imperial powers such as
France and Russia serving their own national interests
-- and delighting in frustrating America's -- without
the slightest reference to the moral issues at stake.
The American public understands that this is not a
body with which to entrust American values or American

On Sept. 12, 2002, you gave the United Nations a fair
test: Act like a real instrument for collective
security or die like the League of Nations. The United
Nations failed spectacularly. The American people saw
it. And the American people are now with you in
leaving the United Nations behind.

Why resurrect it after the war? When not destructive,
as on Iraq, it is useless, as on North Korea. China
has blocked the Security Council from even meeting to
deal with North Korea's brazen nuclear breakout. On
this one, the Security Council wants the United States
to unilaterally engage North Korea -- this amid daily
excoriations of the United States for "unilateralism."

The hypocrisy is stunning. But the deeper issue is
that the principal purpose of the Security Council is
not to restrain tyrants but to restrain the United

The Security Council is nothing more than the victory
coalition of 1945. That was six decades ago. Let a new
structure be born out of the Iraq coalition. Maybe it
will acquire a name, maybe it won't. But it is this
coalition of freedom -- led by the United States and
Britain and about 30 other nations, including such
moderate Arab states as Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain and
Qatar -- that should set and institutionalize the
terms for postwar Iraq. Not the Security Council.

If we're going to negotiate terms, it should be with
allies who helped us, who share our vision and our
purposes. Not with France, Germany, Russia and China,
which see us -- you -- as the threat, and whose
singular purpose will be to subvert any victory.

There were wars and truces and treaties before the
United Nations was created -- as there will be after
its demise. No need to formally leave the
organization, Mr. President. Just ignore it. Without
us, it will wither away.

Fighting a war and rebuilding Iraq are tasks enough, I
know. But serendipity -- and France -- have given you
the opportunity to build new international structures
without the albatross of this hopeless anachronism.

No act of commission is required. Just omission. Don't
return, Mr. President. Don't give Ambassador Pleuger
the satisfaction of seeing you crawl back.

© 2003 The Washington Post Company

John D. Giorgis               -                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tonight I have a message for the brave and oppressed people of Iraq:
 Your enemy is not surrounding your country — your enemy is ruling your  
 country. And the day he and his regime are removed from power will be    
           the day of your liberation."  -George W. Bush 1/29/03

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