<the ur species was developed in part using the system in SeJ's Uplift 2nd 

Vijilus [note spelling change] 
  ab-Lesh ab-Erbl ab-Kosh ab-Rosh ab-Tothtoon

As the Zhuup became productive the Lesh began to look for a second client.  As 
members of the Tothtoon Super-Clan the Lesh had access to many species that 
made excellent soldiers, commandos, and some that specialized as spies.  
Unfortunately, none of these specialties were really what the Lesh needed 
given their emphasis on mercantile trade and diplomacy.  The Lesh needed 
security guards and trustworthy espionage agents.  The Lesh, though not great 
colonizers or explorers, had managed to lay claim to an above-average 
candidate species.  They traded ur-species for ur-species with another 
Abdicator race for the proto-Vijilus.  

The proto-Vijilus were not a remarkably promising ur-species.  The Lesh were 
attracted to the proto-Vijilus by the creatures remarkable suite of natural 
offensive and defensive talents that would serve them well as Lesh security 
operatives.  Proto-Vijilus's survival strategy was a strange cross between a 
chameleon's and a cat's.  Proto-Vijilus were arboreal omnivores somewhat 
larger than a bobcat or lynx.  Life in their native forests was highly 
competitive and proto-Vijiluses were relatively low on the food chain despite 
being active hunters themselves.  The quadrupedal semi-upright Proto-Vijilus 
were quite athletic, even acrobatic.  Like Earth's chameleons proto-Vijilus 
hands and feet each had only two digits, resembling oven-mits. Like 
chameleons, proto-Vijiluses had a prehensile tail.  They even had a 
chameleon's ability to change color.  Unlike chameleons, proto-Vijiluses were 
warm-blooded.  To conserve heat they had a fur-like covering.  Proto-Vijilus 
fur is completely transparent and each hair is a natural optic fiber allowing 
proto-Vijiluses to use their chameleon ability.      

Proto-Vijilus sense organs were highly developed.  They can sense magnetic 
fields.  Most notably proto-Vijiluses had a total of five eye-stalks.  On 
each eye-stalk there were two eyes.  Proto-Vijiluses had *excellent* vision, 
even at night.  Their vision was resistant to glare.  Proto-Vijiluses could 
also produce an extraordinary variety of sounds in the normal and ultrasonic 
ranges, though they were not notable mimics.

Proto-Vijiluses were not particularly common.  They were hermaphroditic, 
though the population that provided most of the genetic material for the 
Vijilus project usually formed pair-bonded social units.  What social 
interaction that occurred was highly ritualized.  Proto-Vijilus were born 
live, in small annual litters.  Young developed fast and resembled small 

The Lesh preserved the proto-Vijilus's natural repertoire, and even enhanced 
it.  Uplifted Vijiluses are excellent mimics.  On the down side, Vijiluses 
still have their original primitive hands and are semi upright.  This is not 
as big a problem as it might seem.  A Vijilus at an office workstation often 
works suspended from a bar or trapeze.  Vijilus prefer to hang or perch and 
many are agoraphobic.  A few are still subject to stress atavism that causes 
them to freeze and camouflage when threatened.  Vijilus social behavior is 
still very tied to ritual.  They have difficulty distinguishing between 
Tradition, Law and ritual so they tend to be legal sticklers and have a 
reputation for not being very flexible.  

Unlike other members of the Lesh Clan, Vijilus are not gregarious nor are they 
empathetic.  Indeed, Vijilus very much prefer the company of their own kind, 
and then in very limited doses.  They get along with other members of Clan 
Lesh, but most avoid any races outside their immediate clan.  Terragens who 
have dealt with Vijilus say that they are socially oblivious and dealing with 
a typical Vijilus attached to a Lesh or Zhuup diplomatic or trade mission is 
like dealing with a Terragen with a very serious case of Asperger's Syndrome.  
Vijilus are well integrated into Clan Lesh, but are not well liked outside 
their clan.  Among members of Clan Tothtoon Vijilus have reputation for being 
intellectually, and not just socially, slow.

Vijilus are patriotic, even jingoistic, members of Clan Lesh.  They mainly 
work as guards and spies--no doubt this contributes to their lack of 
popularity outside their immediate clan.  Nevertheless, the Vijilus are not 
noted for being strong team players.  The conservative Zhuup have many 
disagreements with the moderate Lesh, but are instinctively loyal and 
hierarchical.  The Lith find the Lesh charismatic and as their heir-apparent 
share almost completely coincident interests.  The Heebi are a servitor race 
who worship and adore their foster patrons.  The Vijilus are none of these 
things and often fail to tow the party line.  Indeed, the Vijilus are 
arch-conservatives and have refused to join the League of Prudent Neutral 
Clans per Clan Lesh policy.  

Vijilus dissent is not a major problem for the Lesh because the Vijilus mostly 
keep to themselves and their clan.  The Vijilus seldom even establish 
independent diplomatic missions, preferring to maintain an interest section 
in select Lesh embassies.  In many cases the Vijilus representative is 
actually a Lesh.  Vijilus are so insular that most experts think it unlikely 
they will ever opt to uplift a client of their own.  This seems fine with the 
Lesh, who are happy to steer promising candidate species to their other 
clients or grand-clients.

The Vijilus export economy is small.  They mostly trade in boutique security 
services and consulting.  Vijilus also participate in some military units for 
Clan Lesh.  Vijilus are somewhat active in the Institutes, though few ever 
become fellows.  Vijilus contribute significantly to Trade and Navigation 
Institute anti-piracy efforts and GIM gene raider suppression.  Vijilus have 
little contact with Alliance for Progress races except through their activity 
in Lesh diplomatic and trade. 


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