<the ur species was developed in part using the system in SeJ's Uplift 2nd 

Zhuup ab-Lesh ab-Erbl ab-Kosh ab-Rosh ab-Tothtoon
      ul-Zinth ul-Lotip ul-Byldur

The Lesh as members of the Tothtoon Superclan and clients of the Erbl began 
their career in Galactic Civilization from a very privileged position.  By 
the time the Lesh had completed their uplift they had already proven 
themselves merchants of the first order.  Therefore, the Lesh had every 
reason to expect that they could fulfill the Clan Tothtoon ideal of uplifting 
three clients, with the third client uplifted to take over the Lesh niche in 
Galactic Civilization.  

Clan Tothtoon Tradition advises that a young patrons first client should 
complement the would-be patron.  The Lesh were successful merchants.  
Unfortunately, their inherited social structure made it difficult for the 
Lesh to form large, stable social groups.  In particular, Lesh are touchy.  
No one wants to be at the bottom of a social edifice for long.  Lesh who find 
themselves locked in to roles like private soldier or laborer nearly always 
leave to seek greener pastures after a few months.  Lesh military units were 
small and flexible.  Lesh had little heavy industry.  The Lesh economy needed 
organization men to run industry that would produce goods for Lesh merchants.

The Lesh purchased an uplift claim on the Zhuup from the Thennanin who were 
then very active conducting surveys on contract for the GIM.  When discovered 
their homeworld had been in an ice age for about 12,000 local years.  The 
proto-Zhuup were ground dwelling, quadrupedal grazers, living in herds on 
semi-arid temperate plains.  They were moderately large creatures, about the 
size of a small pony.  Herds could include as many as 96 individuals, though 
most were less than half that large.  During the mating season males became 
territorial.  Successful males kept harems during mating season.  

Their natural history had left the proto-Zhuup with intelligence, potential, 
and an unusually long lifespan and tendency to bear few offspring.  However, 
the proto-Zhuup no longer exhibited a high level of neoteny.  Proto-Zhuup had 
camel-like feet and were not terribly fast.  When threatened by predators 
they formed a defensive circle much like Earth's Musk Ox.  They had thick 
hides, butting horns that were particularly pronounced on males, and a single 
short tusk that pierced their upper lip.  The tusk was notable because it was 
hollow and was a means for injecting a poison that was very painful to most 
of the local fauna.  

The proto-Zhuup also had a notable sensory array.  Behind their horns they had 
a fully retractable set of four eyes on stalks, phenomenal hearing, and an 
acute sense of smell.  

Uplifted Zhuup are smaller than their ancestors.  They are only slightly 
larger than Humans.  They are fully upright with serviceable hands.  They 
retain their horns and poisonous tusk (according to the Library the poison 
should have little effect on Earthlings); however, horns are not fully formed 
until the Lesh are in late puberty to facilitate cranial expansion.  The Lesh 
opted to reduce the proto-Zhuup sense of smell to free up room for higher 
brain functions.  Zhuup hearing is still very good, though not quite on par 
with their ancestors.

Most of the year the Zhuup are some of the hardest workers in the Galaxies.  
However, the Lesh did not alter the proto-Zhuup mating pattern.  The Zhuup 
home planet of Kppthi'ik has a year that is 1.2 hab-years long.  For 1/16 of 
that year the Zhuup are on mating season holiday.  Female Zhuup are very 
engaged during this time but always manage minimal staffing levels for 
critical services.  Males in critical professions such as physicians are also 
on call and capable of performing their duties competently.  Zhuup are 
seriously annoyed by novelty and surprises, they gravitate toward predictable 
industries and plan all their undertakings extensively.

The Zhuup are tremendously successful industrialists who work very well in 
large teams.  Zhuup are also good, if uninspired, soldiers.  They have a 
reputation for being mediocre ecologists, however.  This is a serious failing 
in the Tothtoon Clan, but the Zhuup make the most of it.  Many live on 
a-class worlds or space-based arcologies.  As uplift artists the Zhuup are 
unremarkably competent, but prolific.  They are already powerful, wealthy 
patrons in their own right.  

Politically the Zhuup are instinctive conservatives.  Nevertheless, they tow 
the Lesh diplomatic line.  Meanwhile, they actively lobby for more 
conservative Lesh Clan policies.  The Zhuup exhibit less diplomatic 
flexibility and finesse than the Lesh, despite the costs they often go 
through mediators when doing business with species that differ from them.  

Despite the Lesh policy of promiscuous trade, Zhuup refuse to do business with 
the Tandu.  There are a few other Inheritor and Obeyor Clans or Species that 
the Zhuup embargo.  The Jophur are *not* on the list.  Zhuup do business with 
the Jophur and their clients.  Zhuup distrust the Soro but trade actively 
with them.  Soro-Zhuup contracts tend to be very, very long.  Zhuup get on 
well with Synthians, but dislike Tymbrimi who make them quite obviously 
uncomfortable.  Interestingly, the Zhuup have never been hostile to the Human 

Terragen-Zhuup relations have improved since the Garth incident.  Most 
notably, after the Siege of Earth the Zhuup used Clan import and development 
credit accounts to order a Colony Class Freighter with habitation rings 
outrigged on the rotational gravity pylons.  A major Zhuup niche is putting 
what they call a multi-factory ship in orbit around newly leased worlds.  The 
Zhuup provide one-stop infrastructure solutions.  A Colony Class Freighter 
should fill the bill nicely for modest projects.

Zhuup clients

Zinth ab-Zhuup ab-Lesh ab-Erbl ab-Kosh ab-Rosh ab-Tothtoon

The Zhuup uplifted the Zinth very early in their career.  The Zinth are 
descended from herbivorous gatherers that lived in tropical scrubland.  The 
Zhuup understood themselves as having a creativity deficit.  The Zhuup 
patrons, the Lesh were not academically gifted, but as industrialists the 
Zhuup had constant need for Library research.  The Zinth were uplifted to 
collate and synthesize library data in the service of Zhuup industrial 
projects.  The Zhuup are also fairly good engineers.  

They admire and mildly resent the Synthians who were uplifted for the same 
niche.  Synthetic research is also a strong point among the Kanten.  Many of 
the relatively conservative Zinth are uncomfortable around Kanten.  Zinth 
have been less than enthusiastic about Clan Lesh's warming relations with 
Clan Terragen.


Eerkarmet ab-Zinth ab-Zhuup ab-Lesh ab-Erbl ab-Kosh ab-Rosh ab-Tothtoon

Lesh are good merchants, diplomats, and salesmen.  The Eerkarment are being 
uplifted to excel at strategic marketing, psychological warfare, and 
psychohistory.  They are about ready to advance to Uplift Stage Three.


Lotip ab-Zhuup ab-Lesh ab-Erbl ab-Kosh ab-Rosh ab-Tothtoon

The Zhuup uplifted the arboreal and omnivorous proto-Lotip as pilots.  The 
Zhuup and Zinth have trouble making snap decisions so are poor pilots.  The 
Lotip are Stage Four clients.


Byldur ab-Zhuup ab-Lesh ab-Erbl ab-Kosh ab-Rosh ab-Tothtoon

If all goes well the Byldur will be talented ecologists and arcologists.  They 
should also be adequate industrialists, capable of running vast, vertically 
integrated terraforming and arcology construction firms.  Byldur are early 
Stage Two Clients.


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