To all junior women's teams,

This year's Junior Women's Indoor Nationals will be held on Sunday November 
24th at Aldersley Leisure Village, Wolverhampton.  There will be space for 16 

Entry into the tournament will cost £55 per team.  Payment will be made 
directly to UKU.  In order to secure a place in the tournament, fill in the 
form on the UKU website:

You can request an invoice on this form if necessary.  Please make your payment 
by Monday 11th November.  After this deadline, spaces in the tournament may be 
allocated to second and third teams.  If you would like to enter more than one 
team, please read the details below.  Please send an e-mail ASAP stating how 
many teams you hope to bring. If you have a small number of players but not 
enough for a full team (or enough for 1 but not quite enough for 2), get in 
touch because it's likely that others will be in the same position and we could 
combine players so that more girls get to take part.

Players should be born in 1994 or later. Where possible teams should be made up 
of girls from a single club / school / organisation but where that is not 
possible, the first option should be to pick up for the most local team.  If 
you want to play for a team that is not your school or most local team, please 
get in touch and we will do what we can to make sure that this is done fairly.

Multiple teams:
The number of teams at this tournament has varied hugely in the past three 
years.  We have taken the decision to stick to 16 teams for ease of 
organisation.  Places will initially be reserved for first teams. Any 
additional teams will be placed on a waiting list.  These teams will be given 
spaces if they are still available after the initial deadline (November 11th), 
with priority going to second teams, then third teams if appropriate.  We 
expect there will be spaces for a several 2nd / 3rd teams and these will be 
allocated on a first come first served basis.

Look forward to seeing you there.  Any questions please get in touch.

Ali & Nathan
BritDisc mailing list
Staying informed -

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