Revision: 47158

Author:   abhi2011
Date:     2011-10-06 18:26:30 +0000 (Thu, 06 Oct 2011)
Log Message:
Added initial code to shoot rays during manifold generation

Modified Paths:

Modified: brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simrt.c
--- brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simrt.c    2011-10-06 16:56:52 UTC (rev 
+++ brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simrt.c    2011-10-06 18:26:30 UTC (rev 
@@ -58,6 +58,145 @@
+if_hit(struct application *ap, struct partition *part_headp, struct seg 
+       /* iterating over partitions, this will keep track of the current
+        * partition we're working on.
+        */
+       struct partition *pp;
+       /* will serve as a pointer for the entry and exit hitpoints */
+       struct hit *hitp;
+       /* will serve as a pointer to the solid primitive we hit */
+       struct soltab *stp;
+       /* will contain surface curvature information at the entry */
+       struct curvature cur;
+       /* will contain our hit point coordinate */
+       point_t pt;
+       /* will contain normal vector where ray enters geometry */
+        vect_t inormal;
+       /* will contain normal vector where ray exits geometry */
+       vect_t onormal;
+       /* iterate over each partition until we get back to the head.
+        * each partition corresponds to a specific homogeneous region of
+        * material.
+        */
+       /* iterate over each partition until we get back to the head.
+        * each partition corresponds to a specific homogeneous region of
+        * material.
+        */
+       for (pp=part_headp->pt_forw; pp != part_headp; pp = pp->pt_forw) {
+       /* print the name of the region we hit as well as the name of
+        * the primitives encountered on entry and exit.
+        */
+       bu_log("\n--- Hit region %s (in %s, out %s)\n",
+                  pp->pt_regionp->reg_name,
+                  pp->pt_inseg->seg_stp->st_name,
+                  pp->pt_outseg->seg_stp->st_name );
+       /* entry hit point, so we type less */
+       hitp = pp->pt_inhit;
+       /* construct the actual (entry) hit-point from the ray and the
+        * distance to the intersection point (i.e., the 't' value).
+        */
+       VJOIN1(pt, ap->a_ray.r_pt, hitp->hit_dist, ap->a_ray.r_dir);
+       /* primitive we encountered on entry */
+       stp = pp->pt_inseg->seg_stp;
+       /* compute the normal vector at the entry point, flipping the
+        * normal if necessary.
+        */
+       RT_HIT_NORMAL(inormal, hitp, stp, &(ap->a_ray), pp->pt_inflip);
+       /* print the entry hit point info */
+       rt_pr_hit("  In", hitp);
+       VPRINT(   "  Ipoint", pt);
+       VPRINT(   "  Inormal", inormal);
+       if (pp->pt_overlap_reg) {
+               struct region *pp_reg;
+               int j = -1;
+               bu_log("    Claiming regions:\n");
+               while ((pp_reg = pp->pt_overlap_reg[++j]))
+                       bu_log("        %s\n", pp_reg->reg_name);
+       }
+       /* This next macro fills in the curvature information which
+        * consists on a principle direction vector, and the inverse
+        * radii of curvature along that direction and perpendicular
+        * to it.  Positive curvature bends toward the outward
+        * pointing normal.
+        */
+       RT_CURVATURE(&cur, hitp, pp->pt_inflip, stp);
+       /* print the entry curvature information */
+       VPRINT("PDir", cur.crv_pdir);
+       bu_log(" c1=%g\n", cur.crv_c1);
+       bu_log(" c2=%g\n", cur.crv_c2);
+       /* exit point, so we type less */
+       hitp = pp->pt_outhit;
+       /* construct the actual (exit) hit-point from the ray and the
+        * distance to the intersection point (i.e., the 't' value).
+        */
+       VJOIN1(pt, ap->a_ray.r_pt, hitp->hit_dist, ap->a_ray.r_dir);
+       /* primitive we exited from */
+       stp = pp->pt_outseg->seg_stp;
+       /* compute the normal vector at the exit point, flipping the
+        * normal if necessary.
+        */
+       RT_HIT_NORMAL(onormal, hitp, stp, &(ap->a_ray), pp->pt_outflip);
+       /* print the exit hit point info */
+       rt_pr_hit("  Out", hitp);
+       VPRINT(   "  Opoint", pt);
+       VPRINT(   "  Onormal", onormal);
+       }
+    return HIT;
+if_miss(struct application *UNUSED(ap))
+       bu_log("MISS");
+    return MISS;
+ * I F _ O V E R L A P
+ *
+ * Default handler for overlaps in rt_boolfinal().
+ * Returns -
+ *  0 to eliminate partition with overlap entirely
+ * !0 to retain partition in output list
+ *
+ */
+if_overlap(struct application *ap, struct partition *pp, struct region *reg1, 
struct region *reg2, struct partition *InputHdp)
+       bu_log("OVERLAP");
+    return rt_defoverlap (ap, pp, reg1, reg2, InputHdp);
 generate_manifolds(struct ged *gedp, struct simulation_params *sim_params)
        struct sim_manifold *current_manifold;
@@ -66,9 +205,75 @@
        char *prefix_overlap = "overlap_";
        struct bu_vls overlap_name = BU_VLS_INIT_ZERO;
+       /* Raytrace related stuff */
+       struct rt_i *rtip;
+       struct application ap;
+       struct resource res_tab;
+       attr_table a_tab;
        /* Add all sim objects to raytrace instance */
+       /* Make a new rt_i instance from the existing db_i sructure */
+       if ((rtip=rt_new_rti(gedp->ged_wdbp->dbip)) == RTI_NULL) {
+               bu_log("generate_manifolds: rt_new_rti failed while getting new 
rt instance\n");
+               return GED_ERROR;
+       }
+       rtip->useair = 1;
+       /* Add all the sim objects to the rt_i
+        */
+       for (rb = sim_params->head_node; rb != NULL; rb = rb->next) {
+               if (rt_gettree(rtip, rb->rb_namep) < 0)
+                       bu_log("generate_manifolds: Failed to load geometry for 
[%s]\n", rb->rb_namep);
+               else
+                       bu_log("generate_manifolds: Added [%s] to raytracer\n", 
+       }
+       /* This next call causes some values to be pre-computed, sets up space
+        * partitioning, computes bounding volumes, etc.
+        */
+       rt_prep_parallel(rtip, 1);
+       bu_log("Simulation objects bounding box (%f, %f, %f):(%f,%f,%f)",
+                       V3ARGS(rtip->mdl_min), V3ARGS(rtip->mdl_max));
+    /* Initialize the table of resource structures */
+    rt_init_resource(&res_tab, 0, rtip);
+       /* initialization of the application structure */
+       ap.a_hit = if_hit;        /* branch to if_hit routine */
+       ap.a_miss = if_miss;      /* branch to if_miss routine */
+       ap.a_overlap = if_overlap;/* branch to if_overlap routine */
+       ap.a_logoverlap = rt_silent_logoverlap;
+       ap.a_onehit = 0;          /* continue through shotline after hit */
+       ap.a_resource = &res_tab;
+       ap.a_purpose = "Manifold ray";
+       ap.a_rt_i = rtip;         /* rt_i pointer */
+       ap.a_zero1 = 0;           /* sanity check, sayth raytrace.h */
+       ap.a_zero2 = 0;           /* sanity check, sayth raytrace.h */
+       ap.a_uptr = (genptr_t)a_tab.attrib;
+       /* Set the ray start point and direction rt_shootray() uses these
+        * two to determine what ray to fire.  In this case we simply
+        * shoot down the z axis toward the origin from 10 meters away.
+        *
+        * It's worth nothing that librt assumes units of millimeters.
+        * All geometry is stored as millimeters regardless of the units
+        * set during editing.  There are libbu routines for performing
+        * unit conversions if desired.
+        */
+       VSET(ap.a_ray.r_pt, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+       VSET(ap.a_ray.r_dir, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+       /* Simple debug printing */
+       VPRINT("Pnt", ap.a_ray.r_pt);
+       VPRINT("Dir", ap.a_ray.r_dir);
+       /* Shoot the ray. */
+       (void)rt_shootray(&ap);
        /* Check all rigid bodies for overlaps using their manifold lists */
        for (rb = sim_params->head_node; rb != NULL; rb = rb->next) {

Modified: brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simrt.h
--- brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simrt.h    2011-10-06 16:56:52 UTC (rev 
+++ brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simrt.h    2011-10-06 18:26:30 UTC (rev 
@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@
 #define GRID_GRANULARITY 0.04
+typedef struct attributes {
+    int attrib_use;
+    int attrib_cnt;
+    char **attrib;
+} attr_table;
  * Shoots rays within the AABB overlap regions only to allow more rays to be 

Modified: brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simulate.c
--- brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simulate.c 2011-10-06 16:56:52 UTC (rev 
+++ brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simulate.c 2011-10-06 18:26:30 UTC (rev 
@@ -449,7 +449,11 @@
        /* Generate manifolds using rt */
-       generate_manifolds(gedp, &sim_params);
+       rv = generate_manifolds(gedp, &sim_params);
+       if (rv != GED_OK) {
+               bu_vls_printf(gedp->ged_result_str, "%s: ERROR while 
calculating manifolds\n", argv[0]);
+               return GED_ERROR;
+       }

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