Revision: 71150

Author:   sharannyn
Date:     2018-07-11 08:53:56 +0000 (Wed, 11 Jul 2018)
Log Message:
rename OverlapFileGen to OverlapFileTool and split the two classes to different 

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/checker/CMakeLists.txt
--- brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/checker/CMakeLists.txt  2018-07-11 08:30:37 UTC 
(rev 71149)
+++ brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/checker/CMakeLists.txt  2018-07-11 08:53:56 UTC 
(rev 71150)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+  OverlapFileTool.tcl
 BRLCAD_ADDDATA(checker_TCLSCRIPTS tclscripts/checker)

Added: brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/checker/OverlapFileTool.tcl
--- brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/checker/OverlapFileTool.tcl                     
        (rev 0)
+++ brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/checker/OverlapFileTool.tcl     2018-07-11 
08:53:56 UTC (rev 71150)
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+#             O V E R L A P F I L E T O O L . T C L
+# Copyright (c) 2018 United States Government as represented by
+# the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this file; see the file named COPYING for more
+# information.
+# Description -
+# This is the Overlaps File tool. Which creates a new overlaps file
+# for the checker tool.
+package require Tk
+package require Itcl
+package require Itk
+# go ahead and blow away the class if we are reloading
+# catch {delete class OverlapFileTool} error
+package provide OverlapFileTool 1.0
+::itcl::class OverlapFileTool {
+    inherit ::itk::Widget
+    constructor { args } {}
+    public {
+       variable pairsList
+       variable overlapsList
+       variable firstFlag
+       variable runCheckCallback
+       method runTools {} {}
+    }
+    private {
+       variable _objs
+       variable _statusText
+       variable _progressValue
+       method runCheckOverlaps { obj } {}
+       method runGqa { obj } {}
+       method sortPairs {} {}
+       method rmDupPairs {} {}
+       method addToList { new_list } {}
+    }
+::itcl::body OverlapFileTool::constructor { args } {
+    set firstFlag false
+    set _objs [who]
+    set _statusText "Ready"
+    set _progressValue 0
+    itk_component add ovFrame {
+       ttk::frame $itk_interior.ovFrame -padding 4
+    } {}
+    itk_component add objectsLabel {
+       ttk::label $itk_component(ovFrame).objectsLabel -text "Object(s)"
+    } {}
+    itk_component add objectsEntry {
+       tk::entry $itk_component(ovFrame).objectsEntry -width 40 -textvariable 
[scope _objs]
+    } {}
+    itk_component add progressFrame {
+       ttk::frame $itk_interior.progressFrame -padding 4
+    } {}
+    itk_component add statusLabel {
+       ttk::label $itk_component(progressFrame).statusLabel \
+           -textvariable [scope _statusText]
+    } {}
+    itk_component add progressBar {
+       ttk::progressbar $itk_component(progressFrame).progressBar -variable 
[scope _progressValue]
+    } {}
+    itk_component add ovButtonFrame {
+       ttk::frame $itk_interior.ovButtonFrame -padding 4
+    } {}
+    itk_component add buttonGo {
+       ttk::button $itk_component(ovButtonFrame).buttonGo \
+       -text "Check For Overlaps" -padding 5 -command [code $this runTools ]
+    } {}
+    eval itk_initialize $args
+    pack $itk_component(ovFrame) -side top -fill x -padx 8
+    pack $itk_component(objectsLabel) -side top -expand true -anchor nw
+    pack $itk_component(objectsEntry) -side left -expand true -fill x 
+    focus $itk_component(objectsEntry)
+    bind $itk_component(objectsEntry) <Return> [code $itk_component(buttonGo) 
+    pack $itk_component(ovButtonFrame) -side top -fill both
+    pack $itk_component(buttonGo) -side left -expand true
+    pack $itk_component(progressFrame) -side top -expand true -fill both
+    pack $itk_component(statusLabel)
+    pack $itk_component(progressBar) -side left -expand true -fill x -anchor 
nw -pady 8 -padx 8
+# addToList
+# averages the size values for common pairs and
+# inserts to overlaps list
+body OverlapFileTool::addToList { new_list } {
+    set avg 0
+    foreach pair $new_list {
+       set size [lindex $pair 2]
+       set avg [expr $avg + [expr $size/16]]
+    }
+    set common_pair [lindex $new_list 0]
+    set common_pair [lreplace $common_pair 2 2 [format "%.4f" $avg]]
+    lappend overlapsList $common_pair
+# rmDupPairs
+# removes any duplicate pairs by calling addToList
+# by aggregating a list of pairs with same names
+body OverlapFileTool::rmDupPairs { } {
+    set _statusText "Removing duplicates from overlaps list"
+    update
+    set new_list {}
+    #take first pair
+    set prev_pair [lindex $pairsList 0]
+    lappend new_list $prev_pair
+    foreach pair [lrange $pairsList 1 end] {
+       set prev_reg "[lindex $prev_pair 0] [lindex $prev_pair 1]"
+       set reg "[lindex $pair 0] [lindex $pair 1]"
+       # check if pairs have same left and right region names
+       if {[string compare $reg $prev_reg] == 0} {
+           lappend new_list $pair
+       } else {
+           $this addToList $new_list
+           set new_list {}
+           lappend new_list $pair
+           set prev_pair $pair
+       }
+    }
+    set _progressValue 100
+    set _statusText "Done"
+    update
+    #take last pairlist
+    $this addToList $new_list
+    puts "Unique Overlaps: [llength $overlapsList]\n"
+# sortPairs
+# sorts the pairs before removing duplicates
+body OverlapFileTool::sortPairs { } {
+    set _progressValue 95
+    set _statusText "Sorting overlaps list"
+    update
+    set pairsList [lsort $pairsList]
+# runGqa
+# runs the gqa command for the passed object
+body OverlapFileTool::runGqa { obj } {
+    set cmd "gqa -Ao -q -g1mm,1mm $obj"
+    set _statusText "Running $cmd"
+    update
+    catch {set gqa_list [eval $cmd]}
+    set lines [split $gqa_list \n]
+    foreach line $lines {
+       regexp {(.*) (.*) count:([0-9]*) dist:(.*)mm} $line full left right 
count depth
+       if { [info exists full] == 0 } {
+           continue
+       }
+       set size [expr $count * $depth]
+       # swaps the region names by comparing lexicographically 
+       if { [string compare $left $right] > 0 } {
+           lappend pairsList [list $right $left $size]
+       } else {
+           lappend pairsList [list $left $right $size]
+       }
+       # unset $full for next line
+       unset full
+    }
+    set _progressValue 90
+    update
+# runCheckOverlaps
+# runs the check_overlaps command for the passed object
+# 16 times for different combinations of az/el values
+body OverlapFileTool::runCheckOverlaps { obj } {
+    for { set az 0}  {$az < 180} {incr az 45} {
+       for { set el 0}  {$el < 180} {incr el 45} {
+           set cmd "check_overlaps -s1024 -a$az -e$el $obj"
+           set _statusText "Running $cmd"
+           incr _progressValue 4
+           update
+           catch {set chk_list [eval $cmd]}
+           set lines [split $chk_list \n]
+           foreach line $lines {
+               regexp {<(.*),.(.*)>: ([0-9]*).* (.*)mm} $line full left right 
count depth
+               if { [info exists full] == 0 } {
+                   continue
+               }
+               set size [expr $count * $depth]
+               # swaps the region names by comparing lexicographically 
+               if { [string compare $left $right] > 0 } {
+                   lappend pairsList [list $right $left $size]
+               } else {
+                   lappend pairsList [list $left $right $size]
+               }
+               # unset $full for next line
+               unset full
+           }
+       }
+    }
+# runTools
+# main driver that calls the commands and
+# creates the overlaps file
+body OverlapFileTool::runTools { } {
+    # check if user passed the objects list
+    if { [llength $_objs] == 0 } {
+       tk_messageBox -icon info -type ok -title "No Objects Specified" 
-message "Please input objects names in the objects field"
+       return
+    }
+    # check if the specified objects exist in the database
+    set bad_objs ""
+    foreach obj $_objs {
+       catch {set ret [t $obj]}
+       if { [string first $obj $ret] != 0 } {
+           lappend bad_objs $obj
+       }
+    }
+    if { [llength $bad_objs] > 0 } {
+       tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "Bad Object Names" -message 
"Unrecognized object names:\n$bad_objs"
+       return
+    }
+    # disable the go button and entry before proceeding to prevent any re-runs
+    $itk_component(buttonGo) configure -state disabled
+    $itk_component(objectsEntry) configure -state disabled
+    $this configure -cursor watch
+    update
+    # run checkoverlaps and gqa for all the specified objects
+    if { [string length $_objs] > 0 } {
+       foreach obj $_objs {
+           set _progressValue 0
+           update
+           $this runCheckOverlaps $obj
+           $this runGqa $obj
+       }
+    }
+    # check for the count of overlaps detected
+    set ov_count [llength $pairsList]
+    if { $ov_count == 0 } {
+       tk_messageBox -type ok -title "No Overlaps Found" -message "No Overlaps 
+       $itk_component(buttonGo) configure -state normal
+       $itk_component(objectsEntry) configure -state normal
+       $this configure -cursor ""
+       set _progressValue 0
+       update
+       return
+    }
+    puts "\nCount of overlaps: $ov_count\n"
+    # process the overlap pairs
+    $this sortPairs
+    $this rmDupPairs
+    # delete any previous overlaps files in the db directory
+    set db_path [eval opendb]
+    set dir [file dirname $db_path]
+    set name [file tail $db_path]
+    set ol_dir [file join $dir "${name}.ck"]
+    set filename [file join $dir "${name}.ck" "ck.${name}.overlaps"]
+    file delete -force -- $ol_dir
+    # create new folder
+    file mkdir $ol_dir
+    # write the overlaps file
+    set fp [open $filename w+]
+    foreach pair [lsort -decreasing -real -index 2 $overlapsList] {
+       puts $pair
+       puts $fp $pair
+    }
+    close $fp
+    puts "\nOverlaps file saved: $filename"
+    # run checker tool
+    eval $runCheckCallback
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: Tcl
+# tab-width: 8
+# c-basic-offset: 4
+# tcl-indent-level: 4
+# indent-tabs-mode: t
+# End:
+# ex: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8

Property changes on: brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/checker/OverlapFileTool.tcl
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/checker/menu.tcl
--- brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/checker/menu.tcl        2018-07-11 08:30:37 UTC 
(rev 71149)
+++ brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/checker/menu.tcl        2018-07-11 08:53:56 UTC 
(rev 71150)
@@ -17,15 +17,19 @@
 # License along with this file; see the file named COPYING for more
 # information.
+# Description -
+# This is the Overlap Menu which is used to run the overlap file tool, browse
+# for any existing overlaps file and run the checker tool to evaluate the
+# overlaps.
 package require Tk
 package require Itcl
 package require Itk
+package require OverlapFileTool
-# begin OverlapMenu
 ::itcl::class OverlapMenu {
     inherit ::itk::Widget
     constructor { args } {}
@@ -33,7 +37,7 @@
        variable firstFlag
        method browseOverlapFile {} {}
        method loadOverlapFile { filename } {}
-       method runOvFileGen {} {}
+       method runOvFileTool {} {}
        method runCheck {} {}
     private {
@@ -55,7 +59,7 @@
     } {}
     itk_component add buttonRunOvFileGen {
        ttk::button $itk_component(newFileFrame).buttonRunOvFileGen \
-       -text "Create New Overlaps File" -padding 8 -command [ code $this 
runOvFileGen ]
+       -text "Create New Overlaps File" -padding 8 -command [ code $this 
runOvFileTool ]
     } {}
     itk_component add exisitingFileFrame {
        ttk::labelframe $itk_component(buttonsFrame).exisitingFileFrame 
-padding 8 -text " Exisiting File "
@@ -108,6 +112,10 @@
     bind $itk_component(buttonLastFile) <Leave> [code $this handleHintText ""]
+# begin public methods
 # runCheck
 # runs the checker tool
@@ -121,22 +129,22 @@
     destroy ".overlapmenu"
-# runOvFileGen
+# runOvFileTool
 # runs the overlaps file tool
-body OverlapMenu::runOvFileGen { } {
+body OverlapMenu::runOvFileTool { } {
     set parent ".overlapmenu"
-    if {[winfo exists $parent.overlapfilegen]} {
-       destroy $parent.overlapfilegen
+    if {[winfo exists $parent.overlapfiletool]} {
+       destroy $parent.overlapfiletool
-    set overlapfilegenWindow [toplevel $parent.overlapfilegen]
-    set overlapfilegen [OverlapFileGen $overlapfilegenWindow.overlapfilegen]
+    set overlapfilegenWindow [toplevel $parent.overlapfiletool]
+    set overlapfiletool [OverlapFileTool $overlapfilegenWindow.overlapfiletool]
     wm title $overlapfilegenWindow "Overlap File Tool"
-    pack $overlapfilegen -expand true -fill both
-    $overlapfilegen configure -firstFlag $firstFlag
-    $overlapfilegen configure -runCheckCallback [code $this runCheck]
+    pack $overlapfiletool -expand true -fill both
+    $overlapfiletool configure -firstFlag $firstFlag
+    $overlapfiletool configure -runCheckCallback [code $this runCheck]
     grab set $overlapfilegenWindow
@@ -168,6 +176,9 @@
     set _ovfile $filename
     $itk_component(buttonLastFile) configure -state active
+# end public methods
 # handleHintText
@@ -182,304 +193,11 @@
-# end OverlapMenu
-# begin OverlapFileGen
-::itcl::class OverlapFileGen {
-    inherit ::itk::Widget
-    constructor { args } {}
-    public {
-       variable pairsList
-       variable overlapsList
-       variable firstFlag
-       variable runCheckCallback
-       method runTools {} {}
-    }
-    private {
-       variable _objs
-       variable _statusText
-       variable _progressValue
-       method runCheckOverlaps { obj } {}
-       method runGqa { obj } {}
-       method sortPairs {} {}
-       method rmDupPairs {} {}
-       method addToList { new_list } {}
-    }
-::itcl::body OverlapFileGen::constructor { args } {
-    set firstFlag false
-    set _objs [who]
-    set _statusText "Ready"
-    set _progressValue 0
-    itk_component add ovFrame {
-       ttk::frame $itk_interior.ovFrame -padding 4
-    } {}
-    itk_component add objectsLabel {
-       ttk::label $itk_component(ovFrame).objectsLabel -text "Object(s)"
-    } {}
-    itk_component add objectsEntry {
-       tk::entry $itk_component(ovFrame).objectsEntry -width 40 -textvariable 
[scope _objs]
-    } {}
-    itk_component add progressFrame {
-       ttk::frame $itk_interior.progressFrame -padding 4
-    } {}
-    itk_component add statusLabel {
-       ttk::label $itk_component(progressFrame).statusLabel \
-           -textvariable [scope _statusText]
-    } {}
-    itk_component add progressBar {
-       ttk::progressbar $itk_component(progressFrame).progressBar -variable 
[scope _progressValue]
-    } {}
-    itk_component add ovButtonFrame {
-       ttk::frame $itk_interior.ovButtonFrame -padding 4
-    } {}
-    itk_component add buttonGo {
-       ttk::button $itk_component(ovButtonFrame).buttonGo \
-       -text "Check For Overlaps" -padding 5 -command [code $this runTools ]
-    } {}
-    eval itk_initialize $args
-    pack $itk_component(ovFrame) -side top -fill x -padx 8
-    pack $itk_component(objectsLabel) -side top -expand true -anchor nw
-    pack $itk_component(objectsEntry) -side left -expand true -fill x 
-    focus $itk_component(objectsEntry)
-    bind $itk_component(objectsEntry) <Return> [code $itk_component(buttonGo) 
-    pack $itk_component(ovButtonFrame) -side top -fill both
-    pack $itk_component(buttonGo) -side left -expand true
-    pack $itk_component(progressFrame) -side top -expand true -fill both
-    pack $itk_component(statusLabel)
-    pack $itk_component(progressBar) -side left -expand true -fill x -anchor 
nw -pady 8 -padx 8
-# addToList
+# validateOvFile
-# averages the size values for common pairs and
-# inserts to overlaps list
+# it validates the browsed overlaps file with the database loaded
-body OverlapFileGen::addToList { new_list } {
-    set avg 0
-    foreach pair $new_list {
-       set size [lindex $pair 2]
-       set avg [expr $avg + [expr $size/16]]
-    }
-    set common_pair [lindex $new_list 0]
-    set common_pair [lreplace $common_pair 2 2 [format "%.4f" $avg]]
-    lappend overlapsList $common_pair
-# rmDupPairs
-# removes any duplicate pairs by calling addToList
-# by aggregating a list of pairs with same names
-body OverlapFileGen::rmDupPairs { } {
-    set _statusText "Removing duplicates from overlaps list"
-    update
-    set new_list {}
-    #take first pair
-    set prev_pair [lindex $pairsList 0]
-    lappend new_list $prev_pair
-    foreach pair [lrange $pairsList 1 end] {
-       set prev_reg "[lindex $prev_pair 0] [lindex $prev_pair 1]"
-       set reg "[lindex $pair 0] [lindex $pair 1]"
-       # check if pairs have same left and right region names
-       if {[string compare $reg $prev_reg] == 0} {
-           lappend new_list $pair
-       } else {
-           $this addToList $new_list
-           set new_list {}
-           lappend new_list $pair
-           set prev_pair $pair
-       }
-    }
-    set _progressValue 100
-    set _statusText "Done"
-    update
-    #take last pairlist
-    $this addToList $new_list
-    puts "Unique Overlaps: [llength $overlapsList]\n"
-# sortPairs
-# sorts the pairs before removing duplicates
-body OverlapFileGen::sortPairs { } {
-    set _progressValue 95
-    set _statusText "Sorting overlaps list"
-    update
-    set pairsList [lsort $pairsList]
-# runGqa
-# runs the gqa command for the passed object
-body OverlapFileGen::runGqa { obj } {
-    set cmd "gqa -Ao -q -g1mm,1mm $obj"
-    set _statusText "Running $cmd"
-    update
-    catch {set gqa_list [eval $cmd]}
-    set lines [split $gqa_list \n]
-    foreach line $lines {
-       regexp {(.*) (.*) count:([0-9]*) dist:(.*)mm} $line full left right 
count depth
-       if { [info exists full] == 0 } {
-           continue
-       }
-       set size [expr $count * $depth]
-       # swaps the region names by comparing lexicographically 
-       if { [string compare $left $right] > 0 } {
-           lappend pairsList [list $right $left $size]
-       } else {
-           lappend pairsList [list $left $right $size]
-       }
-       # unset $full for next line
-       unset full
-    }
-    set _progressValue 90
-    update
-# runCheckOverlaps
-# runs the check_overlaps command for the passed object
-# 16 times for different combinations of az/el values
-body OverlapFileGen::runCheckOverlaps { obj } {
-    for { set az 0}  {$az < 180} {incr az 45} {
-       for { set el 0}  {$el < 180} {incr el 45} {
-           set cmd "check_overlaps -s1024 -a$az -e$el $obj"
-           set _statusText "Running $cmd"
-           incr _progressValue 4
-           update
-           catch {set chk_list [eval $cmd]}
-           set lines [split $chk_list \n]
-           foreach line $lines {
-               regexp {<(.*),.(.*)>: ([0-9]*).* (.*)mm} $line full left right 
count depth
-               if { [info exists full] == 0 } {
-                   continue
-               }
-               set size [expr $count * $depth]
-               # swaps the region names by comparing lexicographically 
-               if { [string compare $left $right] > 0 } {
-                   lappend pairsList [list $right $left $size]
-               } else {
-                   lappend pairsList [list $left $right $size]
-               }
-               # unset $full for next line
-               unset full
-           }
-       }
-    }
-# runTools
-# main driver that calls the commands and
-# creates the overlaps file
-body OverlapFileGen::runTools { } {
-    # check if user passed the objects list
-    if { [llength $_objs] == 0 } {
-       tk_messageBox -icon info -type ok -title "No Objects Specified" 
-message "Please input objects names in the objects field"
-       return
-    }
-    # check if the specified objects exist in the database
-    set bad_objs ""
-    foreach obj $_objs {
-       catch {set ret [t $obj]}
-       if { [string first $obj $ret] != 0 } {
-           lappend bad_objs $obj
-       }
-    }
-    if { [llength $bad_objs] > 0 } {
-       tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -title "Bad Object Names" -message 
"Unrecognized object names:\n$bad_objs"
-       return
-    }
-    # disable the go button and entry before proceeding to prevent any re-runs
-    $itk_component(buttonGo) configure -state disabled
-    $itk_component(objectsEntry) configure -state disabled
-    $this configure -cursor watch
-    update
-    # run checkoverlaps and gqa for all the specified objects
-    if { [string length $_objs] > 0 } {
-       foreach obj $_objs {
-           set _progressValue 0
-           update
-           $this runCheckOverlaps $obj
-           $this runGqa $obj
-       }
-    }
-    # check for the count of overlaps detected
-    set ov_count [llength $pairsList]
-    if { $ov_count == 0 } {
-       tk_messageBox -type ok -title "No Overlaps Found" -message "No Overlaps 
-       $itk_component(buttonGo) configure -state normal
-       $itk_component(objectsEntry) configure -state normal
-       $this configure -cursor ""
-       set _progressValue 0
-       update
-       return
-    }
-    puts "\nCount of overlaps: $ov_count\n"
-    # process the overlap pairs
-    $this sortPairs
-    $this rmDupPairs
-    # delete any previous overlaps files in the db directory
-    set db_path [eval opendb]
-    set dir [file dirname $db_path]
-    set name [file tail $db_path]
-    set ol_dir [file join $dir "${name}.ck"]
-    set filename [file join $dir "${name}.ck" "ck.${name}.overlaps"]
-    file delete -force -- $ol_dir
-    # create new folder
-    file mkdir $ol_dir
-    # write the overlaps file
-    set fp [open $filename w+]
-    foreach pair [lsort -decreasing -real -index 2 $overlapsList] {
-       puts $pair
-       puts $fp $pair
-    }
-    close $fp
-    puts "\nOverlaps file saved: $filename"
-    # run checker tool
-    eval $runCheckCallback
-# end OverlapFileGen
 proc validateOvFile { filename } {
     set ovfile [open $filename "r"]
     fconfigure "$ovfile" -encoding utf-8

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