
Halim Sahin, le dim. 12 sept. 2021 09:24:26 +0200, a ecrit:
> since some time I am looking for a solution to use my brailledisplay
> with a rdp session.

> If you know a better way to do that please 

There is no automatic solution (for now). What you can do is to make
BrlAPI listen on TCP on localhost:

api-parameters Host=          # Accept any internet connection.

and then forward that TCP port (it's port 4101) to the remote host.
On the remote host you'll also have to use e.g.


to tell the applications there to show up on VT 7 of your local system.
You can fine-tune with by using e.g. xlsclients to get the Window number
of the rdp window (e.g. 0x80bac2), and then use

export WINDOWPATH=7:0x80bac2

so that the output of the remote applications show up on that window.

(yes, it's in the todo list to extend rdp and vnc to forward BrlAPI

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