It looks like the wiki has never taken on. The last changes in it
happened in March. Unfortunately there are some vulnerabilities in the
wiki system, and it would take me too long to fix everything. Some
spammer have already found those, and uploaded pages full of links to
their own viagra-pages, presumably to fool google and other search

After all that, I have decided to take it down. It was a noble
experiment, and I am sorry it didn't catch on bigger than that.

A great thank you to everyone who contributed (with the exception of
those spammers!)

I have all the data laying around, if anyone wants it, just ask. Perhaps
some essence could be distilled into articels on, or
some other use could be founf for them...


   "Beer anyway"

       - Heikki

Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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