Hi Uwe,

2014-07-24 12:51 GMT+02:00 Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es>:
>    > Hi Uwe,
>    > 2014-07-23 17:41 GMT+02:00 Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es>:
>    > This question is getting so frequent to be probably worth an own entry
>    > in the FAQs.  The function `TeX-add-to-alist' has been introduced in
>    > git version and is called in parsed files.  The solution is simply to
>    > reparse the file with C-C C-n.
> Oops I am sorry I forgot to add something very important: I cannot open
> the file I just see the error message but the files is closed. So this
> bug is more serious for me (and for other Xemacs users?). I had to
> delete the file found in the auto directory.

The problem is only for people using, under AUCTeX <= 11.87, file
parsed by the git version.  You are switching back and forth between
these two versions, and this is definitely not a common case.  It
isn't true you cannot open the file, it's only the buffer which is not
displayed, but the buffer is there, you only need to switch to the TeX
buffer and reparse the file.

>    > Another possibility could be to define the function if it's unbound,
>    > but I'd like to avoid filling the parsed file with such checks.
>    > Anyway, parsed file produced by AUCTeX 11.87 and git version are
>    > slightly incompatible, and this is stated in the news for future 11.88
>    > release, so a reparse is always needed anyway.
> What puzzles me is all this happened under the *git* version of auctex!
> And we are back to the question of backward/forward compatibility. What
> is the advantage of this new function?

Much better management of package options.  Until 11.87, they were
mixed up with packages and it was impossible to determine which
package loaded a specific option.

The incompatibility you mention (always forward) is temporary, a
reparse, triggered by saving the file with an appropriate option,
would make it go away.  In addition, parsed file should not be shared
among collaborators, so people working on the same document and using
different AUCTeX versions should not be affected.


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