tags 11524 wontfix
tags 14079 wontfix
tags 14760 wontfix
tags 16447 wontfix
tags 15681 wontfix
close 11524
close 14079
close 14760
close 15681
close 16447

Due to my lack of time to dedicate to Automake, I'm declaring
a limited bug bankruptcy on old bugs, in case they deal with
testsuite-only glitches on exotic platforms, or with minor
documentation glitches.  Apologies to the original reporters.

That said, if you have time, feel free to re-run the testsuite
on the master branch and open new bugs for any failure you
still see there.  Also make sure to add as much detail as
possible (e.g., the content of the relevant files for failed
tests, rather than just the content of the .log files
associated to the tests).

Thanks, and apologies,

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