I run a linux compat term that allows setting the tab size.
Since most of my usage is using tabsize=2, I set the term's
tabsize to such when it comes up.

Programs that can display tabs in output like
'ls', 'diff', 'less(or more)', to name a few, have some type of
"expand-tabs" or "-[tT]" option to expand tabs on output
(or input to line up input columns).


      -T, --tabsize=COLS
             assume tab stops at each COLS instead of 8
      -t, --expand-tabs
             expand tabs to spaces in output
      -T, --initial-tab
             make tabs line up by prepending a tab
             tab stops every NUM (default 8) print columns

I propose 'du' gain a "-T" option like 'ls' to allow for
formatted output:

So instead of :

20K My layouts/linda-default.fcl
20K My layouts/new-default.fcl
0 My layouts/foo.fcl
2.2M  autobackup/autobackup.20141103-042819.zip
2.3M  autobackup/bak
12K configuration/Core.cfg
12K playlists/00000106.fpl
24K playlists/index.dat
2.1M  pygrabber/libs
28K pygrabber/scripts
1.3M  user-components/foo_AdvancedControls

I could see:

20K     My layouts/linda-default.fcl
20K     My layouts/new-default.fcl
0       My layouts/foo.fcl
2.2M    autobackup/autobackup.20141103-042819.zip
2.3M    autobackup/bak
12K     configuration/Core.cfg
12K     playlists/00000106.fpl
24K     playlists/index.dat
2.1M    pygrabber/libs
28K     pygrabber/scripts
1.3M    user-components/foo_AdvancedControls


Two other readability examples from different programs
follow and a description of the attachment.

Of note, 'ls' defaults to explanding tabs to spaces, so
it doesn't have the problem of variable expansion, but
if one tells it to use '8 space/tab (example pruned from /tmp):

4.0K 0bPwr3N_7s         4.0K cyg2lin.env        4.0K prereqs.txt
4.0K 1             16K diff         4.0K rmdirs
4.0K 2            4.0K dirs            0 ssh-Y3YzuDAD5w/
  0 3173-f1.txt        4.0K do_diffs*           0 ssh-a9nNm0VQ2c/
4.0K 5QXcX6apwV         4.0K done            0 ssh-oszB2InjXA/
  0 CPAN-Reporter-lib-1WVP/  4.0K fZuwIWpHXO          0 ssh-pOlsxOkr0U/
  0 CPAN-Reporter-lib-wDln/  4.0K files           0 ssh-vSPNXq8i3I/
4.0K HUk8j_zP_d         4.0K fq22uj4fYU          0 t1
4.0K all          4.0K lnx.txt           0 veKj4PS/
4.0K awstest.out        456K log             0 vq0XVTv/
104K boot-cons.msg        4.0K lt.h          40K x.log
  0 boot.msgs/         4.0K meterlist         24K x.txt

vs. ls' -CFhsT2:

4.0K 0bPwr3N_7s               4.0K cyg2lin.env        4.0K prereqs.txt
4.0K 1                         16K diff               4.0K rmdirs
4.0K 2                        4.0K dirs                  0 ssh-Y3YzuDAD5w/
  0 3173-f1.txt              4.0K do_diffs*             0 ssh-a9nNm0VQ2c/
4.0K 5QXcX6apwV               4.0K done                  0 ssh-oszB2InjXA/
  0 CPAN-Reporter-lib-1WVP/  4.0K fZuwIWpHXO            0 ssh-pOlsxOkr0U/
  0 CPAN-Reporter-lib-wDln/  4.0K files                 0 ssh-vSPNXq8i3I/
4.0K HUk8j_zP_d               4.0K fq22uj4fYU            0 t1
4.0K all                      4.0K lnx.txt               0 veKj4PS/
4.0K awstest.out              456K log                   0 vq0XVTv/
104K boot-cons.msg            4.0K lt.h                40K x.log
  0 boot.msgs/               4.0K meterlist           24K x.txt

As a final short example -- something I use to print a shortened
version of my current directory in my prompt:

w/default -8 tabs in less:
 less -x8 spwd


cols() {
       declare size="$(stty size </dev/tty)"
       echo "${size#* }"
export -f cols
shopt -s expand_aliases
alias int=declare\ -i _e=echo _pf=printf exp=export ret=return
exp __dpf__='local -a PF=(
"/$1/$2/$3/../\${$[$#-1]}/\${$#}" "/$1/$2/../\${$[$#-1]}/\${$#}" "/$1/../\${$[$#-1]}/\${$#}" "/$1/../\${$#}"
                                                               "..." )'
function spwd () {      \
       (($#)) || { _e "spwd called with null arg"; ret 1; }; \
int w=${COLUMNS:-$(cols)}/2 ;\
       ( _pf -v _p "%s" "$1" ; exp IFS=/                               ;\
set $_p; shift; unset IFS ;\ t="${_p#${HOME%${USER}}}" ;\ int tl=${#t} ;\
               if (($#<=6 && tl<w));then ((tl<=2)) && \
{ _e -En "${_p}";ret 0; } ;\ else \ eval "$__dpf__" ;\ int i pfl=${#PF[*]} ;\
                       for ((i=0; i<pfl; ++i)); do     eval             \
"_pf -v _pa %s \"${PF[i]}\"" ;\
                               _p="$(eval "_pf %s \"$_pa\"")"          ;\
((${#_p}<w)) && break; done ;\ fi ;\ _e -En "${_p#${HOME%${USER}}}" ) }

exp -f spwd

[[ ${0##*/} == spwd ]] && if (($#)) ; then spwd "$@" ; else spwd "$PWD" ; fi

But using tabsize = 2:


cols() {
 declare size="$(stty size </dev/tty)"
 echo "${size#* }"
export -f cols
shopt -s expand_aliases
alias int=declare\ -i _e=echo _pf=printf exp=export ret=return
exp __dpf__='local -a PF=(
               "..." )'
function spwd () {  \
 (($#)) || { _e "spwd called with null arg"; ret 1; }; \
 int w=${COLUMNS:-$(cols)}/2                         ;\
 ( _pf -v _p "%s" "$1" ; exp IFS=/       ;\
   set $_p; shift; unset IFS             ;\
   t="${_p#${HOME%${USER}}}"             ;\
   int tl=${#t}                          ;\
   if (($#<=6 && tl<w));then ((tl<=2)) && \
     { _e -En "${_p}";ret 0; }           ;\
   else                                   \
     eval "$__dpf__"                     ;\
     int i pfl=${#PF[*]}                 ;\
     for ((i=0; i<pfl; ++i)); do eval     \
       "_pf -v _pa %s \"${PF[i]}\""      ;\
       _p="$(eval "_pf %s \"$_pa\"")"    ;\
       ((${#_p}<w)) && break;  done      ;\
   fi                                    ;\
_e -En "${_p#${HOME%${USER}}}" ) }

exp -f spwd

[[ ${0##*/} == spwd ]] && if (($#)) ; then spwd "$@" ; else spwd "$PWD" ; fi


The attachment is a shell script shell script that
allows one to display and/or set current tab settings
on compatible terminals -- if you want to see what
programs look like with various tab settings, it
might be useful.

The script assumes if it cannot read the current tab
settings, then the term likely doesn't support setting
them either.

The script is a bit of a hack, in that if the
user types input while it it trying to measure or set
your tabs, it may just give up and not set them, but I have
it run as part of my login script and it's rarely a problem
(even works w/cygwin on windows!). (Hard to block the user's
TTY input when the program requires talking to the TTY
apart from the user).


#!/bin/bash  -u
#console_codes(4) man page... vt100/2 et && EMCA-48 standard
# (c) la walsh (2013) -- free to use and modify for personal use.
#                     -- optionally licenced under Gnu v3 license.

# v0.0.3                - try to reduce tabcols to minimal set to reproduce.
# v0.0.2                - set tabs for full terminal width (try to get term 

shopt -s expand_aliases extglob
alias int='declare -i'                          sub='function'          
array='declare -a'
alias intArray='declare -ia'    P=printf                                        

P -v clrallts  "\x1b[3g"
P -v sts       "\033H"
P -v cpr       "\x1b[6n"

sub getcols() {
        local sttyout="$(stty size </dev/tty)"
        int default_cols=80
        if [[ -n ${COLUMNS:-""} && $COLUMNS =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then 
                default_cols=$COLUMNS; fi
        [[ -z ${sttyout:-""} ]] && { echo $default_cols; return 0; } 
        int cols="${sttyout#*\ }"
        echo -n $[cols<2?default_cols:cols]
        return 0

sub getpos () {
        string ans              wanted=${1:-xy}
        int attempt=0 max_attempt=1             # in case of rare failure case
                                                # use 'attempt' value as 
                                                # time to wait for response
        while : ; do    
                ( ( P "\x1b[6n" >/dev/tty) & 2>/dev/null )  
                read  -sd R -r -t $[2 + attempt] ans </dev/tty; 
                int x=0-1 y=0-1
                if ! x="${ans#*;}" y="${ans%;*}" 2>/dev/null  || 
                        ((x==-1||y==-1)); then
                        ((attempt+=1 < max_attempt)) && continue
        break; done
  string out=""
  [[ $wanted =~ x ]] && out="$x"
  [[ $wanted =~ y ]] && out="${out:+$x }$y"
  [[ $out ]] && echo -n "$out"

declare -ia tabs

sub get_tabs () {
  P "\r"
  int pos=0 oldpos=0-1
  while ((oldpos!=pos));do
                ((pos)) && tabs+=($pos)
    P "\t"
    pos=$(getpos x)
        P "\r"
  return 0

# Note: this sub uses ability to _read_ tabstops as _proxy_ for setting them
# (i.e. it makes no sense to be able to read them if you can't set them)

sub test_tabset_ability () {
        string prompt="tty_tab:"
        int newcol=${#prompt}+1
        P "\r$prompt"
        int mycol=$(getpos x)
        ((mycol && mycol==newcol)) && return 0          ## return OK    
        { P " Term tabset ability not detected mycol=${mycol:-''},"
                P " promptlen=$newcol)\n"; } >&2
        exit -1 

sub do_help_n_display_curtabs () {      
  P " <n>   - set tab stop to N\r"
        intArray diffs;
        int last=1      cur i
        string eol=""
        get_tabs && {
                for ((i=0; i<${#tabs[@]}; ++i)); do
                intArray reverse_tabs_set=()
                int prevtab=0-1
                for ((i=${#diffs[@]}-2; i>0; --i)); do
                        int thistab=${diffs[i]}
                        if ((thistab!= prevtab)) ;then 
                P "current value: tty_tab "
                        for ((i=${#reverse_tabs_set[@]}-1; i>=0; --i)); do
                                P "%d " "${reverse_tabs_set[i]}"; done
                P "\r";
  get_tabs  && {
    P "(from 1, tabs skip to column: "
    P "%s " "${tabs[@]}"
                P "\r\n"

sub set_tabs () {
        int max_col=${1:-80}            tabstop=${2:-"need a param for tabstop"}
        int tab=$tabstop                                pos=0
        string str=""
        P $clrallts                                                             
## reset old tabs
        while ((++pos<cols)) ;do        ## move across screen setting tabs
                str+=" "
                ((pos%tab)) || str+="$sts"
        P "\r$str\r"

int cols=$(getcols)

test_tabset_ability                             ## exits if no ability

if (($#==0)) ; then
  exit 1
        set_tabs "$cols" "$@"

# vim: ts=2 sw=2

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