Derek Price wrote:

>Derek Price wrote:
>>>On the other hand, it would be nice if there were a way to specify a
>>>default compression level or range of levels (both for the server and
>>>the client) that could be used in the absence of any explicit
>>>specification by the user. Of course, reconciling conflicting defaults
>>>could be an interesting challenge.
>>To some extent this would be happening with my proposed change.  A
>>client that had requested -z9 on a fast machine would always compress
>>their data at level 9, but the server would only compress its data at
>>whatever maximum level had been set, limiting the load on its CPU.
>>Similarly for a client -z3 and a server with a min level of 9.  The
>>client would compress at 3 and the server at 9, saving most the
>>bandwidth and not bombing the client CPU.
>Hey Larry,
>Can I assume that no comment for almost two weeks means you have no
>further objections to this patch going into feature?

Since I haven't heard any further objections to this change in several
days, I have committed it to feature.



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