It sounds like a really cool project. If you host it on github, and then
announce it to some friends, I pretty sure you will have volunteers.


On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 10:30 PM Joseph Heled <> wrote:

> Hi,
> (I know this is the wrong forum, but casting the net anyway)
> I am looking for someone who might want to collaborate on a project of
> mine about racing games .
> (It is a "fun" project, like gnubg,  by which I mean non-paid and done out
> of "love". I can't pay anyone since I am not getting paid myself).
> I need help in making several "simple" games playable either in the
> browser or on android. "simple" here means the graphical part is trivial,
> and UI primitive. So, a "code jockey" might do.
> Do you know of anyone who might be interested? Can be a young (14+) kid
> who is interested. Please pass it on.
> Send me an email ( if you need more information.
> Thanks, Joseph
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