
Martin Lambers wrote:
> I'd like to provide a gettimeofday() function for systems that do not
> have it (at least Win32).
> I already wrote a module that works, see below. But this module
> overwrites the existing gettimeofday module. I do not know how to
> integrate the changes into the existing module because of the autoconf
> and M4 magic that is involved.
> I have two questions: Would you consider integrating such changes into
> the existing module at all?


> If so, how can this be done?

It can be done by merging your .m4 file with Jim's one, and put a big
#if inside lib/gettimeofday.c. But first, can you please bring your
proposed code up to gnulib standards?

  - Indentation by 2 characters, not by 4.
  - A space before the opening parenthesis in function/macro calls.
  - Use #ifdef _WIN32, not #ifdef WIN32.

And compare the code with GNU clisp's gettimeofday emulations. (I wrote
that code => no copyright problems when porting it to gnulib.)

/* an emulation of gettimeofday(3). */
gettimeofday (struct timeval * tp, struct timezone * tzp)
  if (tp != NULL || tzp != NULL)
      struct timeb timebuf;
      ftime (&timebuf);
      if (tp != NULL)
          tp->tv_sec = timebuf.time;
          tp->tv_usec = (long)(timebuf.millitm) * (1000000/1000);
      if (tzp != NULL)
          tzp->tz_minuteswest = timebuf.timezone;
          tzp->tz_dsttime = 0;      /* ?? */
  return 0;

What's the right way to fill the struct timezone?


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