Honestly, I'm trying to cross-compile GNU IceCat from my Debian partition, but the detail is the following: my problem is how to I do for identify the avariable build targets that I have in my PC, because I've installed MinGW-w64 for Debian, alongside with the steps described in this webpage:


And that's what I got in the cross-compile process (you know, "./mach build"):


If anyone wants to help me to show the avariable build targets to avoid the annoyance of fail in every tryout of cross-compile, I'll be appreciated.

Thanks by your reply.

El 08/03/17 a las 22:38, Gary escribió:
On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 7:08 PM, Eliot Reyna wrote:

    Anyway, the latest version of GNU IceCat for Windows (38.8.0) was
    generated via cross-compile method. Thanks by make your Windows
    version of GNU IceCat.

Curious -- thanks for that. I actually tried building the 32-bit version on a 64-bit Windows via cross-compile and it failed. In the distant past, I've tried to take the config options from the Linux x86 source to compile for ppc and had some small luck with that. I've tested the 32-bit binary but still need to get the package to include a DLL it needs. Mozilla's documentation falls short in some areas like this so hopefully I can get it sorted without having to set up a whole new build environment elsewhere.

Does anyone know if Subversion is the only code repository that gnu.org <http://gnu.org> hosts?




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